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Customer Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Customer Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Customer Service

2 What is customer service?
Definition – making sure customers are satisfied & will continue to buy products or services of a company Everyone who has any contact with customers is a customer service representative.

3 2 types of customers: External customers – consumers who purchase goods & services from a business. Internal customers – the people who work for that business or who do business with that company.

4 Duties of Customer Service Representatives:
answer questions provide technical assistance protect customers’ privacy

5 provide customers with products &/or services which meet their needs
ensure that customers feel they are getting good value for their money

6 Qualities Desired for Customer Service Representatives:
Good product or service knowledge Friendliness Knowledge of customer needs Problem-solving skills Positive communication skills

7 Communication Skills needed for all Customer Service Representatives:
Listen! Clear & positive – communication both verbal and non-verbal Empathize with customer

8 Know & communicate company protocol and guidelines effectively – problem solving
Time management Manage personal emotions

9 In customer service, use the WHAT factor:
W – Welcome H – Hear A – Accomplish T – Thank WHAT makes customer service!!

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