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Focus areas of the NWS Missouri/Souris River Floods of May-August 2011 Service Assessment – Per the NOAA and NWS Strategic Plans, gather stakeholder input.

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2 Focus areas of the NWS Missouri/Souris River Floods of May-August 2011 Service Assessment – Per the NOAA and NWS Strategic Plans, gather stakeholder input and adjust services according to their requirements – Decision Support Services: the nature and effectiveness of the support provided and the methods of information management – Scientific and modeling issues, including those related to data, snowmelt, ensemble and contingency forecasting – Effectiveness of interagency collaboration – Intra-agency services and collaboration among the River Forecast Centers (RFCs), Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs), National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center (NOHRSC), and the Hydrometeorological Prediction Center (HPC)

3 Recommendations for enhancements in hydrologic and water resources services include – Expansion of products and information produced – Increased forecast issuance frequency – Need short-term probabilistic forecasts; various contingency forecasts caused some confusion – Need further implementation of flood inundation maps (FIM) and some consistency among the agencies creating them – Improvements in the design, support and overall effectiveness of the Decision Support Services (DSS)

4 Science and Technology Recommendations – Expedite implementation of HEC-RAS in areas affected by backwater – Enhance Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (QPF) Need for product consistency within NWS More consistent use of QPF in river forecasts Need outreach as to use of QPF in river forecasts – Expedite implementation of short-term ensemble forecasts (HEFS) – Expedite calibration and modeling of reservoir operations

5 Data Needs – Seek alternative sources for precipitation information – Improve use of existing observational networks – Enhance current data collections (e.g., snow core for SWE) – Resolve differences in agency rating curves where available to the public – Expedite data interoperability through the multi- agency initiative, Integrated Water Resources Science and Services (IWRSS)

6 Interagency Collaboration – Overall “superb”; meetings such as these forecasters meetings were cited as greatly enhancing the capability to react to the unique event – The coordinated range of forecasts collaborated by USACE/NWD, Omaha and KC Districts; and MBRFC were lauded by external customers as a great example of interagency collaboration – Delicate nature of providing “one message” from all the agencies was addressed (USACE-NWS web page)

7 Recommendations for Services to Partners – Enhance/Develop volumetric forecast information – Share verification information so partners can assess historical accuracy and confidence – Simplify Flood Warning product suite Ensure impact statements are accurate Include information related to levees – Numerous suggestions for web page enhancements – Develop climate products that identify potential for extreme events – Webinars and briefings were noted as a best practice

8 Decision Support Services (DSS) – Expand the frequency, timing, content, consistency, and location of river forecast services to meet stakeholder requirements – NWS DSS personnel need to understand the ICS structure and related EOC procedures – NWS needs to establish policy and provide guidance to enable the effective execution of DSS – Evaluate how to appropriately respond to requests for embargoed information (e.g., city officials may need info ahead of time in order to properly respond to public) – NWS Meteorological support at USACE EOC was valuable

9 Currently in review Final draft expected in next few weeks Should be available to public in Feb

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