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Photosynthesis Part 5 Page 118.

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1 Photosynthesis Part 5 Page 118

2 Plants must prevent H2O loss
To prevent water loss C3 plants close stomata which results in photorespiration Photorespiration – plants fix O2 instead of CO2 – producing a 2C compound instead of G3P Photorespiration = use of ATP from light reactions but with no sugar production

3 Adaptations to save H2O C4 Plants Corn, Sugar Cane
Plant prefaces the Calvin Cycle w/ reactions that incorporate CO2 into 4C compounds 4C transported from mesophyll to bundle sheath cells to supplies CO2 to Calvin Cycle

4 Adaptations to save H2O C4 Plants
PEP carboxylase is highly efficient at fixing CO2 Fix CO2 rapidly to keep high concentration gradient that favors movement into stoma Fix large amount of CO2 rapidly so stoma can be closed most of the time

5 Adaptations to save H2O CAM Plants Crassulacean Acid Metabolism
Plants in arid conditions (eg. pineapples) Close stomata during the day – open stomata at night Fix carbon in a 4C compound (like C4 plants) at night 4C releases CO2 for Calvin Cycle during the day

6 (a) Spatial separation of steps (b) Temporal separation of steps
Fig Sugarcane Pineapple C4 CAM CO2 CO2 Mesophyll cell 1 CO2 incorporated into four-carbon organic acids (carbon fixation) Night Organic acid Organic acid Figure C4 and CAM photosynthesis compared Bundle- sheath cell CO2 CO2 Day 2 Organic acids release CO2 to Calvin cycle Calvin Cycle Calvin Cycle Sugar Sugar (a) Spatial separation of steps (b) Temporal separation of steps

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