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Citations HOW DO I GET THEM INTO MY WRITING?. What is a Citation?  Definition: a reference to or a quotation from a book, paper, or author  When you.

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Presentation on theme: "Citations HOW DO I GET THEM INTO MY WRITING?. What is a Citation?  Definition: a reference to or a quotation from a book, paper, or author  When you."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a Citation?  Definition: a reference to or a quotation from a book, paper, or author  When you give credit to someone whose research or writing you have learned something from, or when you tell who said a particular thing, you are CITING YOUR SOURCES.

3 Why do I need Citations?  It keeps you from PLAGIARIZING work— using someone else’s work and passing it off as your own  It gives credit to the person or people who did the work or said the quote  It shows that you have done research, and have evidence to support your thinking

4 How do I put citations into my writing?  Phrases such as:  According to (research study or expert)  In the opinion of (expert names)  As reported by (article name)  (Research study name) shows that  (Name of expert with expert field)—”Squirrel expert Mortimer Nutley tells us that…”

5 An example: Aardvarks are great war companions. Sergeant Nightwad and Corporal Brian, leaders of the Animal Defense Unit, tested 111 aardvarks in military maneuvers, such as shooting exploding ants from their snouts and properly defusing bombs. The results were that 110 aardvarks completed these tasks with 100% accuracy, while the remaining aardvark went missing. This shows that aardvarks are ready for difficult battle tasks with almost no training. A study released by the Green Beret branch of the Army recommends aardvarks take over the military so that fewer soldiers get hurt. Additionally, ants cost less than bullets. Knowing this, aardvarks have the potential to change the US military forever, and to stop all future bad guys from invading.

6 An example: Unicorns should be allowed in schools. Studies from the Institute of Pretty Horses show that unicorns promote faster learning by constantly singing the alphabet in 26 different languages. This means that students will not be bored in class, and can practice foreign languages and music at the same time. Also, unicorn expert Latisha Pearl says, “In schools with unicorns, we see a lower rate of bullying, because unicorns possess magical rays of happiness,” that they naturally share with kids around them. Because of the presence of unicorns, students at these schools are happier and perform better in class.

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