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British Library & CDRS move into St Pancras building in 1997 1/2 M free enquiries answered 21 M hits on website new strategy - collaboration,

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Presentation on theme: "British Library & CDRS move into St Pancras building in 1997 1/2 M free enquiries answered 21 M hits on website new strategy - collaboration,"— Presentation transcript:

1 British Library & CDRS move into St Pancras building in 1997 1/2 M free enquiries answered 21 M hits on website new strategy - collaboration, ‘e’ curatorship...

2 CDRS international - potential of time zone sharing robust commitment to professionalism

3 implementation management initiative so had to secure staff ‘buy-in’ and overcome scepticism which team to go with? workload and monitoring profile

4 use of existing ‘conspectus’ profile whole library - team expertise definition of ‘research level’ constant modulation and updating

5 the first question Web, other electronic, printed, other source awareness of questioner - who and where “the right answer might not always be right in a different context”

6 monitoring high-level quarterly reports to ExecTeam 6 weekly project team meetings using CDRS stats, our own monitoring adjustment of profile level

7 issues variation of profile access to materials store off-site staff development virtual reference library improvements staff access to electronic resources model electronic licence adjustment

8 future discrete units with own profiles publicity document delivery - has our DSC a role to play eg. Articles Direct user education - how to find answer v answer

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