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Music Terms & Symbol Review. Measure Clef A symbol that assigns pitches to the staff.

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Presentation on theme: "Music Terms & Symbol Review. Measure Clef A symbol that assigns pitches to the staff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Music Terms & Symbol Review

2 Measure

3 Clef A symbol that assigns pitches to the staff

4 Whole Note

5 Ledger Line A small line added above or below the staff

6 Quarter Note

7 Mezzo Piano Medium Soft

8 Sixteenth Rest

9 Mezzo Forte Medium Loud

10 Whole Rest

11 Tempo The fastness and slowness of sound AKA: The speed of musical sound

12 Double Bar Line

13 Repeat Sign

14 Flat

15 Grand Staff

16 Treble Clef

17 Time Signature

18 Note A symbol that represents sound

19 Final Bar Line

20 Half Note

21 Crescendo (Gradually Louder)

22 Time Signature Tells you: - How many beats per measure - The type of note that gets a beat

23 Bass Clef

24 Rest A symbol that represents silence

25 Half Rest

26 Forte Loud

27 Tie

28 Quarter Rest

29 Crescendo Gradually get louder

30 Sharp

31 Slur

32 Accent

33 Release Pedal

34 Ledger Line

35 Eighth Note

36 Piano (dynamic) Soft

37 Fermata

38 Bar Line

39 Dynamics The Loudness and Softness of sound (volume)

40 Sixteenth Note

41 Pitch The highness and lowness of sound

42 Chord

43 Bass Clef Also called "F" clef, assigns lower pitches to the staff

44 Staff

45 Decrescendo Gradually get softer

46 Piano (soft)

47 Treble Clef Also called "G" clef, assigns higher pitches to the staff

48 Mezzo Piano (Medium Soft)

49 Duration The longness and shortness of sound

50 Eighth Rest

51 Staff The 5 lines and 4 spaces upon which music is written

52 Mezzo Forte (Medium Loud)

53 Staccato

54 Forte (Loud)

55 Natural

56 Decrescendo (Gradually Softer)

57 Ritardando Gradually Slow Down

58 Slur

59 Dotted Quarter Note

60 Engage Pedal

61 Down Bow

62 Left Hand Pizzicato

63 Natural Harmonic

64 Snap Pizzacato

65 Up Bow

66 Appoggiatura

67 Acciaccatura

68 Arpeggiated Chord

69 Flat Key Signature

70 Sharp Key Signature

71 Dal Sengo


73 Glisando

74 Left Hand Pizzicato

75 Martallato

76 Mordent

77 Common Time

78 Fortissimo

79 Pianissimo

80 Tempo Mark

81 Segno

82 Simile Mark

83 Staccatissimo

84 Tenuto

85 Tremolo

86 Trill

87 Tuplet

88 Turn

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