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Fostering an awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the food and fiber system New York Agriculture in the Classroom Food, Land and People State.

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Presentation on theme: "Fostering an awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the food and fiber system New York Agriculture in the Classroom Food, Land and People State."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fostering an awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the food and fiber system New York Agriculture in the Classroom Food, Land and People State Affiliate

2 Introduction Have You Ever?

3 The Problem 4 generations removed from the farm 20% of the workforce involved in agriculture Students not being prepared for agricultural careers

4 Buzzy, Buzzy Bee Lesson #1

5 National non-profit organization whose educational materials, Resources for Learning, have reached millions of students in the U.S. Established in 1988 About Food, Land & People

6 FLP's mission is to develop citizens literate about the relationships between agriculture, the environment, and human populations. FLP Mission Project Food, Land and People

7 Developed and tested by educators from around the country Resources for pre-K to 12 th grade 60 lessons for hands-on learning, critical thinking, and easy integration with existing curricula Resources for Learning Aligned to NYS & Common Core Learning Standards

8 Lesson Format




12 Go, Go H2O Lesson #2

13 Surface Irrigation Sprinkler Irrigation Drip Irrigation Lesson #2

14 Surface Irrigation

15 Sprinkler Irrigation

16 Drip Irrigation

17 Lunch Regrouping at 12:30 pm Break

18 Perc Through the Pores Lesson #3

19 Be Label Able Lesson #4

20 Grocery Store Problem Solving Lesson #5

21 Curriculum Integration Planning

22 NYAITC Opportunities Teacher of the Year Nominate teachers who are integrating agriculture into their curriculum Winners will be awarded with an expense paid opportunity to attend the National Ag in the Classroom Conference Applications due October 17, 2014

23 NYAITC Opportunities Kids Growing Food Mini Grant $500 available for schools Any & all types of garden projects will be considered Applications due November 14, 2014

24 NYAITC Opportunities Agricultural Literacy Week March 16-20, 2015 Weaving the Rainbow by George Ella Lyon 51,000 students read to annually

25 NYAITC Opportunities I Love New York Agriculture Art & Writing Contest Entries due April 2015

26 Questions? More FLP

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