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Data Conceptualization of Scientometric Studies in Scientific Digital Libraries Problem of cognitive interoperability: R&D indicator conceptualization.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Conceptualization of Scientometric Studies in Scientific Digital Libraries Problem of cognitive interoperability: R&D indicator conceptualization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Conceptualization of Scientometric Studies in Scientific Digital Libraries Problem of cognitive interoperability: R&D indicator conceptualization (sustainable network of like-minded R&D evaluators, classification systems for indicators’ meaning coordination ) Semiotic foundations for R&D indicators’ meaning coordination (semiotic triangle) Conventional, coordinated, and personal R&D indicators Representation of R&D indicator semantics in DL lingware (semantic dictionaries) Igor M. Zatsman (IPI RAS) Digital Libraries (RCDL’2008) - 07.10.2008

2 1.1 Evaluation of research programme

3 1.2 Assessment at four levels

4 1.3 Four coherent sets of R&D result indicators

5 Level one: Knowledge medium or the content plane has meanings (concepts) Level two: Social information medium or the information expression plane has sign forms or form representation of concepts (information objects) Level three: DL medium or the digital expression plane has digital codes The second stage of indicators’ meaning coordination presupposes a deep study of relationships between concepts 1)human knowledge (concepts), 2)information objects 2)information objects in the social information medium, 3)digital codes 3)digital codes in the DL medium. 2.1 Semiotic foundations for the second stage of the indicators’ meaning coordination

6 meanings or concepts) Knowledge medium (meanings or concepts) digital codes DL medium (digital codes) signforms or form representation of concepts Social information medium (sign forms or form representation of concepts) 2.2 Sign form and its digital code Upper interface meanings(concept “meanings (concept) - signforms sign forms” Lower interface signforms “sign forms - digital codes digital codes” S ign meaning SIGN Sign form FORMCODE Digital code … integrates sign form and its digital code … integrates meaning (concept meaning (concept) sign form and sign form

7 meanings or concepts) Knowledge medium (meanings or concepts) two types ofdigital codes DL medium (two types of digital codes) ign meaning 2.3 Sign meaning and its digital codeMeaning Sign Signform Sign formMeaning Sign Signform Sign form Meaning SemcodeDigital code 1 code 1 Signform Sign form FormcodeDigital code 2 code 2 Social information medium Signform Sign form FormcodeDigital code 2 code 2 sign meaning … integrates sign meaning and its digital code Meaning SemcodeDigital code 1 code 1

8 DL medium Knowledge medium Social information medium Sign Signform Sign form(PALM) Digita l code 1 Meaning Digita l code 2 3.1 Traditional semiotic triangle and conventional signDenotatum first typemeanings Digital codes of the first type for sign meanings in the DL second typesignforms Digital codes of the second type for sign forms in the DL third type Digital codes of the third type for denotata in the DL Digita l code 3 Ostentation

9 3.2 Conventional R&D indicator (macrolevel) (%) Age Age distribution for RAS applicants (source: RFBR)

10 Knowledge medium Social information medium Sign Signifier ( age distribution ) Signified 3.3 Semiotic triangle for conventional R&D indicatorDenotatum DL medium Denotatum of - Denotatum of R&D indicator - digital codes of its information and algorithm components in the DL of the evaluation system Conventional R&D indicator: age distribution Digita l code 3 Digita l code 1 Digita l code 2

11 3.4 Conventional R&D indicator (microlevel) Age distribution in a research team of IPI RAS (%) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Age 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 69 74 79 84 89 groups

12 Knowledge medium Social information medium ? 3.5. Vague “triangles” for emerging indicators Denotatum 1 DL medium Denotatum of - Denotatum of R&D indicator - digital codes of its information and algorithm components in the DL of the evaluation system Emerging R&D indicators (understanding dynamics) ? Denotatum 2 ? ?? ? ? ?? ? Digita l code 3

13 3.6 Emerging personal R&D indicator (microlevel) Age distribution for paper authors in the research team 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Age 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 69 74 79 84 89 groups (%)

14 Knowledge medium Social information medium 3.7. Semiotic “triangle” for personal indicatorDenotatum DL medium Denotatum of - Denotatum of R&D indicator - digital codes of its information and algorithm components in the DL of the evaluation system P-concept, and Emerging R&D indicator: A-sign, P-concept, and A-form = “Age distribution for paper authors” A-form = “Age distribution for paper authors” P-concept Digita l code 3 A- sign Digita l code 1 Digita l code 2

15 3.8 Emerging coordinated R&D indicator Age distribution for paper authors in the research team 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Age 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 69 74 79 84 89 groups (%)

16 4 Representation of R&D indicator semantics

17 5. Concluding remarks

18 1.3 Four coherent sets of R&D result indicators

19 Распределение статей по областям знаний в 1999 г. (Источник: Science & Engineering Indicators – 2002)

20 Направления исследований и информационные тех- нологии (данные Европейского патентного ведомства, ISI) Electonic Engineering Computer Applications Telecommunications Computer Science Nuclear Science Applied Physics Acoustics Instruments & Instrumentations Engineering Biochemistry& Molecular Biology

21 4 из 9 данные ЕПВ, ISI Области знаний (4 из 9) и технологии: распределение цитируемых научных статей в % (данные ЕПВ, ISI)

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