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HPS Collaboration Business John Jaros HPS Collaboration Meeting at JLAB June 6, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "HPS Collaboration Business John Jaros HPS Collaboration Meeting at JLAB June 6, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 HPS Collaboration Business John Jaros HPS Collaboration Meeting at JLAB June 6, 2013

2 Outline I.Executive Committee Election II.EC Webpage III.Old Business A. Declaring Thesis Topics B. HPS Physics Results? C. HPS Author List IV.New Business V.Open Discussion

3 HPS Executive Committee Present Membership Tim Nelson, F-X Girod, Takashi Maruyama, Matt Graham + Spokespeople Tim Nelson and Matt Graham were elected to a one year term in February, 2012. (Past) time for a new election. Candidates for a 2 year term beginning June 6, 2013 Raphael Dupre, Per Hansson, Valery Kubarovsky, Tim Nelson If you haven’t already voted by email, please vote for 2 and sign your ballot. From the Bylaws:


5 Old Business: Thesis Topics From the Bylaws: Advisors for HPS graduate students must inform the EC of their intent to accept responsibility for advising the student. (This is the nominal route to HPS Collaboration membership for a student). Advisor must submit a proposal to the EC proposing a thesis topic. EC will review the proposal and notify the advisor and student of its approval, or suggest a more suitable topic. All thesis projects must be approved by the EC, which is charged to maintain a list of topics for the Collaboration. We should get started with this once HPS is approved and funded.

6 Old Business: Physics Results Again from the Bylaws: “Approval of official results, both preliminary and final, will be coordinated by the EC and the PPC and voted on by the Collaboration...” “Test data and measurements that illustrate the performance of the HPS apparatus, beam quality, etc., may be shown…at the speaker’s discretion. However, HPS physics data and results must not be presented without the consent of the collaboration.” HPS Physics Result or Test Measurement? Multiple Coulomb Scattering from Thin Targets Performance of the HPS Test Run Apparatus Other???

7 Old Business: Author List More from the Bylaws: “The authorship lists of official papers will be proposed by the EC and voted for approval by the collaboration” “Authorship of official HPS physics papers…will follow an opt-out policy, where authors are [nominally] included…” “Authorship of instrumentation papers on specific subsystems will be those members who are involved with that subsystem.” Need to start once we have a Physics Paper

8 New Business Option II is new JLAB baseline! Do we want new APDs in the Ecal? Membership Responsibilities: BYLAWS: “An individual can become a member of the HPS Collaboration based on her/his commitment and contributions to the HPS experiment in instrumentation and/or software.” TRANSLATION: You gotta help. HELP NEEDED for Software, Ecal analysis, Alignment,… New physics topics for HPS; Polarized BH Muon Asymmetry anyone? (thanks, Philip)

9 Cares, Concerns, Q&A, Ideas

10 Great to see everyone. Thanks for coming! Thanks, Stepan, for a great meeting. Travel home safely!

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