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Roman Government Ancient Rome. 6.C&G.1 Understand the development of government in various civilizations, societies and regions. 6.C.1 Explain how the.

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1 Roman Government Ancient Rome

2 6.C&G.1 Understand the development of government in various civilizations, societies and regions. 6.C.1 Explain how the behaviors and practices of individuals and groups influenced societies, civilizations and regions. Essential Standards

3 o 6.C&G.1.1 Explain the origins and structures of various governmental systems (e.g., democracy, absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy). o 6.C&G.1.2 Summarize the ideas that shaped political thought in various civilizations, societies and regions (e.g., divine right, equality, liberty, citizen participation and integration of religious principles). o 6.C.1.3 Summarize systems of social structure within various civilizations and societies over time (e.g., Roman class structure, Indian caste system and feudal, matrilineal and patrilineal societies). Clarifying Objectives

4 Essential Questions  What government structure did Ancient Rome have?  What are the POLITICAL THOUGHTS that shape a Republic?  How did the Social Structure of Rome relate to their government?

5  Government is how decisions by a civilization would be decided  There are government structures which is how a government is set up  There are POLITIACAL THOUGHTS which are the ideas that government structures are based on Government

6 Government Structures…. ① Absolute Monarchy ② Constitutional Monarchy ③ Oligarchy ④ Democracy ⑤ Theocracy ⑥ Republic Political Thoughts…. Divine Right Equality Liberty Citizen Participation Religious Principles Government

7  Roman Governmen t mirrored the Roman Class System  Emperor (Cesar)  Senate  Assembly Roman Government

8  Roman Government was called a Democratic Republic (Democracy)  People were given the right to choose & make decisions like the Greeks  There were a couple of differences though Republic Democracy

9  Get with a partner and answer….  What government structure did Ancient Rome have? Essential Questions

10  Roman Democratic Republic also had checks & balances system  Checks & balances systems are made so one man cannot get too MUCH POWER of the whole government  They usually include 2 people being in power, short terms, or the power to veto (over ride laws that are not fair) Checks & Balances

11  The Roman Republic Democracy held the same Political Thoughts as a normal Democracy  They believed in  Equality  Civic Participation  Liberty Political Thought

12  Get with a partner and answer….  What are the POLITICAL THOUGHTS that shape a Republic? Essential Questions

13  Emperor of Rome was the leader of it’s government  The Emperor was seen as a god & worshiped by the people as a god Emperor (Cesar)

14  Consul was like the vice president of the Roman Government System  Consuls were chosen by the Assembly  They made almost all the decisions & the only decisions they didn’t make were the ones the Emperor vetoed (over ride) Consul

15  There were 2 Consuls that shared power  This is so one person couldn’t have all the power Consul

16  Roman Senate consisted of 300 members that would make the laws  Senators were chosen every year by the Consul  They were elected for life to the Senate  They were in charge of how Rome’s money was spent  Enforced the paying of taxes by all Roman citizens Roman Senate

17  Roman Assembly included Plebeians  The Assembly would assemble in the Roman Forum to discuss laws that were not fair to the Plebeians (common people)  Roman Assembly also got to select who the new Consuls were every year Roman Assembly (Common People)

18  The leader of the commoners that were members of the Assembly was called the TRIBUNE  The tribune had the power to veto unfair laws  He also had the power to call the Senate to meet to make laws that were fair to the Plebeians (commoners) Tribune

19  The ability to select the new Consuls every year from the Senate gave the Assembly a lot of power  Senators that wanted to be Consuls the next year would make sure the common people of the Assembly got their way Power to the People

20  Roman Government was a Republic  There were  2 Consuls  300 Senators  Assembly Members  It had a checks and balances system from the Consul to the Senate to the Assembly Summary of Roman Government

21  Roman government & social structure worked together  To hold high spots in the Roman Government you had to be HIGH CLASS  This meant you had to be either a Consul or Senator  Depending on your SOCIAL STATUS you could hold certain spots in government Government & Social Structure

22  Get with a partner and answer….  How did the Social Structure of Rome relate to their government? Essential Questions

23 o 6.C&G.1.1 (Government Structure) The Roman Republic was a DEMOCRACY o 6.C&G.1.2 (Political Thoughts) The political thoughts of the Romans were the same for all Democracies. They centered around EQUALITY, LIBERTY, CIVIC PARTICIPATION o 6.C.1.3 (Social Structure) Roman Government worked very closely with Roman Class System. You could only achieve high places in government if you were a member of the HIGH CLASS Important Points

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