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Rock and Rap CD Cover Due Date : Monday, November 3, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Rock and Rap CD Cover Due Date : Monday, November 3, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rock and Rap CD Cover Due Date : Monday, November 3, 2014

2 5 Parts Name of the band with a CD cover design A biography of your chosen rock/rap band Band members’ names Song list A diagram of the rock cycle

3 First Determine what type of rock/rap band you would like to be. 1. Igneous 2. Sedimentary 3. Metamorphic

4 Next Research the rock cycle path you would like to take then write your band biography. Remember: To keep the name of the band members and songs within the rock cycle theme.

5 Finally You will need to look up rock names and processes for the different rock types.

6 Front Cover/ Song Titles

7 Biography/Rock Cycle Diagram

8 CD Cover Grading Rubric Element Exemplary 4 points each Proficient 3 points Developing 2 points Song list There are at least 10 songs listed. The songs have many rock types and rock process words in the titles. The song names are interesting and exciting. You may only use the word “rock” once. There are eight to ten songs listed. The songs have some rock types and rock process words in the titles. The song names are ordinary. There are fewer than eight songs listed. The songs have very few rock types and rock process words in the titles. Rock cycle diagram A complete rock cycle diagram is found on one of the pages. It includes arrows crossing from different rock types to other process words A rock cycle diagram is found on one of the pages. The rock cycle diagram is missing one or two key components. An incomplete rock cycle diagram is found on one of the pages. Design and format Good use of color, borders, and pictures. There is a copyright record label with your name and class period. An adequate use of color, borders, and pictures. One part of the copyright record label, your name, or the class period is missing. There is a poor use of color, borders, and pictures. The copyright record label, your name, and /or the class period are missing. Conventions No spelling or capitalization errors. Uses correct paragraphing stanza, division and other textual markers to enhance meaning Few spelling or capitalization errors. Eliminates or manipulates sentence fragments for emphasis and stylistic effect. Many spelling and capitalization errors. Begins to manipulate punctuation for emphases and stylistic effect.

9 CD Cover Website

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