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Water and Sanitation Starter: What is meant by ‘luxury’? Give as many examples of luxuries as you can. L.O: To explore the link between water supplies.

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Presentation on theme: "Water and Sanitation Starter: What is meant by ‘luxury’? Give as many examples of luxuries as you can. L.O: To explore the link between water supplies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water and Sanitation Starter: What is meant by ‘luxury’? Give as many examples of luxuries as you can. L.O: To explore the link between water supplies and sanitation, and how this varies around the world.

2 Short clip: LuxuryLuxury You now have two minutes to answer the following questions about what you have just seen: Would you consider a toilet to be a luxury? Why? Why not? Might the concept of luxury change according to where you live in the world? Now share your ideas with the people around you (2 minutes)

3 Wants and Needs What is the difference between a ‘want’ and a ‘need’? Task: In fours, sort through the needs and wants cards, putting them into two piles. Write the top five needs in your nook, and explain why they are so important. Extension: Do needs and wants change depending on where you live? Why might this be the case? Give examples of wants / needs that might change in different parts of the world.

4 It is hard to imagine what life might be like without toilets. Even when we complain about toilets in this country, the experience is not the same as others who are living in poverty. Fact 1: 2.5 billion people do not have somewhere safe, private or hygienic to go to the toilet. Fact 2 : 4,000 children die every day from diseases linked to poor sanitation. Watch this video and list the problems caused by poor Talking about Toilets Keyword: Sanitation: Facilities and services for the safe disposal of human waste.

5 Read your information sheet and answer the following questions in your book. All: 1) Describe the problems caused by not having proper water or sanitation facilities. 2) What causes these problems? Most: 3) Why might these problems be different between males / females / children? 4) How do you think you would cope in these conditions? Some: What do you think can be done to help prevent deaths and illnesses due to poor hygiene and sanitation? Independent Task:

6 What is the most shocking / interesting thing you have learnt today? Share this with your partner, and say why. Next lesson we will explore how these problems can be solved.

7 Read Amina’s story and answer the following questions: 1) What methods are used to spread the important messages about sanitation and hygiene? 2) Why are these effective for children? Read about Gautam and Niladari Gupta from Patel Pali village, India and their local youth hygiene group. 3) How do they spread their messages? How are these different from Amina’s? Extension 1: Why do you think these methods are so successful in both Tanzania and India? Extension 2: If you were to educate people in this country about sanitation, how would the methods differ to those you have learnt about today?

8 You have been asked to prepare a presentation about good hygiene for young people of your own age in the UK. In groups of four, design your presentation. This can take any form you like (poster / ad campaign etc), but something must be written in each of your books. Get ready to present back to the class at the end of the lesson! Your turn! Think about: What methods would you use and why do you think these would be effective? Would these methods need to be different to those used in India and Tanzania?

9 Plenary Do you think it is important that people know about the problems with hygiene and sanitation in developing countries? Write three bullet points to explain why / why not.

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