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By Jonathan Points  The belief of America to expand from sea to sea and shore to shore.  John O’L Sullivan wrote this.

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2 By Jonathan Points

3  The belief of America to expand from sea to sea and shore to shore.  John O’L Sullivan wrote this.

4  It was a giant piece of land located between the pacific ocean and the Rocky mountains north of California.  Washington, Oregon Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming formed from this land.  This land was obtained by a treaty formed with Great Britain.  The Oregon trail was 2,000 miles long it started at the Missippi river  Missippi river, Colombian river, and the Platte river.  James K Polk came up with a slogan called 54 degrees latitude 40 minutes n and fight or also known as 54 40 fight this was Polk’s slogan campaign.

5  The first battle was in October 1835 when the Mexicans tried to take a cannon from the Texans.  Stephen F Austin was the man who helped populate the Mexican territory. And so getting his name as the father of Texas.  In 1830 the Mexican government decreed that stopped all immigration from the United States and cutting off trade. This angered the Texans.  In 1833 General Lopez de Santa Anna became president of Mexico.  In 1836 a small force of Texans battled off Mexican forces as they bombarded the Alamo.  On March 6, 1836 the Mexican forces smashed the Alamo’s walls in with cannon fire and attacked and killed all men at the Alamo.  March 2, 1836 4 days before the Attack of the Alamo Texas declared independence from Mexico.  Sam Houston later became Commander and Chief of What would become the victorious Texan Army.  James K Polk became president and on December 29, 1845 Texas officially became a state of the United States of America.

6  The Mexican territory included the present day states of Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah.  The Santa Fe Trail was a route taken by William Becknell the first American trader reach Santa Fe. This trail crossed the Missouri river, Arkansas river, and the Rocky Mountains.  As trade increased more and more Americans began to settle in the region.  Spanish culture started to settle in as they built missions and began to convert the Natives to Christianity to settle California.  In the 1840s John C. Fremont had wrote about how the regions climate was Mild, Beautiful, with an abundance of resources.  Americans thought that expanding the nation was a great idea so that way the nation could be bordered by sea and not foreign powers.  America insisted that the border of Texas was the Rio Grande.  While Mexico thought it was the Nueces River.  President Polk called an emergency cabinet meeting because he had a three part plan for war with Mexico.  The flag for California was star and a bear.  Polk gave Winfield Scott direct orders to capture the City of Mexico.  Finally Mexico called for a peace treaty called the Guadalupe Hidalgo treaty in February of 1848.  The Border of Texas became the Rio Grande.

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