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NPI-NILU tasks (Ola Engelsen) •Further development of fast simulation tool for UV radiation (Fastrt) •Applications of fast simulation tool for quality.

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Presentation on theme: "NPI-NILU tasks (Ola Engelsen) •Further development of fast simulation tool for UV radiation (Fastrt) •Applications of fast simulation tool for quality."— Presentation transcript:

1 NPI-NILU tasks (Ola Engelsen) •Further development of fast simulation tool for UV radiation (Fastrt) •Applications of fast simulation tool for quality assurance of UV spectra

2 Benefits •Complements on-site QA: obvious instrumental errors detected •Atmospheric indicators for UV data with little metadata available •Particularly relevant for data sources with automatic data recording

3 Principles •Fast simulations of representative scenarios •Comparison of measured UV spectra with simulations in UVA •Indicate most likely representative scenario (closest match) •Flag spectra which deviate far from representative scenarios

4 Generally speaking •- high radiation level: Snow, broken clouds or instrumental error •- low radiation level: Clouds, aerosols or instrumental error

5 Clouds and atmospheric anomalies •Cloud/cloudless flag •Optical thickness of clouds •High albedo •Broken clouds •Thick clouds •Clouds during scan period of spectra •Instrumental error

6 Limitations •Number of representative scenarios •Assumptions on radiative properties •Spectral response of instrument

7 Status •Main methodology in place •Accuracy and reliability testing remains •Modifications to meet speed requirements •Documentation must be updated

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