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Classroom Ettiquette Ms. Burr’s classes Coronado High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Ettiquette Ms. Burr’s classes Coronado High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Ettiquette Ms. Burr’s classes Coronado High School

2 Key Words and Definitions  Manners - social conduct or rules of conduct as shown in the prevalent customs  Etiquette - the conduct or procedure prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life  Civility - courtesy, politeness, polite act or expression

3 Etiquette  One of the keys to being successful in school is to use proper classroom etiquette and manners.  Knowing what is acceptable and what isn’t will help your success.  These rules apply to Ms. Burr’s class specifically, but are good rule to follow in general.

4 Show up and be on time  It is important to come to school. It is highly unlikely if you miss a lot of school that you will get all the information you missed. If you legitimately miss class, talk to Ms. Burr at a convenient time about missed assignments and be sure to check her webpage first. If you skipped class, check her webpage. She will be a lot less pleasant about makeup work.

5 Electronic Devices are allowed by permission only  Turn OFF your cell phone before entering class  Not turning it off is disrespectful and impolite  Texting is simply not acceptable at any point  Remove all headphones and earbuds upon entering the room and leave them off.

6 Learn to be respectful to others  Chatting during class discussion or while fellow students are giving oral reports  Your fellow students appreciate a quiet learning environment and resent students who continually disrupt the good manners  You are not the only one in the room.

7 Be respectful of the entire class period Avoid Signaling, Sending Signs That Class Time is Up. Instructor pet peeves in sending such signals:  Students shutting their books loudly  Unzipping and zipping their backpacks or putting away materials before the bell rings.

8 Participate in Class  Sitting in your seat quietly is not enough.  Ask questions. For clarification, further explanation or to enhance conversation.  Discussion of text it vital to both reading and writing skills.

9 Study  Reading over notes taken in class and studying vocabulary words nightly is a great idea.  If you are assigned a specific part of a novel to read, read it. Don’t ask for more time or to retake reading quizzes. The answer is no.

10 What is NOT Proper Classroom Etiquette? List of Don’ts  Doing homework for another class during the lectures  Acting like you have somewhere better to be  Making annoying noises during lectures  Talking to/playing with others during the lectures

11 What is NOT Proper Classroom Etiquette? (cont.)  Blowing bubbles, snapping or otherwise playing with gum  Yawning with an open mouth  Sleeping in class  Texting or playing with your phone  Making sarcastic comments about other student’s questions  Sitting anywhere other than your assigned seat.

12 Essay format and Rules  All essays will be submitted electronically to If you have trouble upload you must send it electronically to Ms. Burr within 24 hrs. of the dues date.  Failure to do so will earn a 0 for the essay.  All essays will be in proper format with a proper heading. Please see the links on Ms. Burr’s website if you are unsure of MLA format.

13 MLA format  All essays must have a proper heading in the top left corner of the paper.  All essays must be in Times New Roman 12 font. Be sure to double check; a lot of computers default to a different font.  The title of your essay should be centered and written after your heading. It should be the same size, color, and font as the rest of the essay.

14 MLA format  Failure to turn in an essay in proper format will result in loss of points.  Follow all guidelines unless specifically told otherwise by Ms. Burr.

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