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The Perl Debugger Issac Goldstand Mirimar Networks

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Presentation on theme: "The Perl Debugger Issac Goldstand Mirimar Networks"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Perl Debugger Issac Goldstand Mirimar Networks

2 Credits / For more info  Based loosely on perldebtut  Also, don’t forget perldeb  Inside the debugger: h h or h [cmd]

3 Before we even get to the debugger…  Have you: Turned on warnings via use warnings or perl –w ? Do you use strict wherever possible? Does your script pass syntax checking ( perl –c )?

4 Example 1 – Hello World #!/usr/bin/perl $var1 = ’Hello, world!’; $var2 = “$varl\n”; print $var2;

5 When not to use the debugger  Not every case needs the debugger  The debugger would not have provided any significant help with the previous example  It is important to use other tools to find problems

6 What to use?  – The command line debugger  GUI debugger – ptkdb  ActiveState – PDK, Komodo

7 Starting the debugger  Called by perl –d  Can be command line option: perl –d  …or part of the shebang line: #!/usr/bin/perl -d


9  q – Quits the debugger


11  h – Displays help

12 The text debugger  Other common commands: v [line] – View around line (current line by default) x expr – Evaluates an expression (in list context) m expr – Shows methods that expr->can do s – Step into n – Step over c line – Set a “one time” breakpoint

13 Working with variables & symbols  M shows currently loaded modules + versions  S shows currently available subroutines  X / V shows variables in [current] package

14 Looking around  v – Shows a “block” of code, starting from current position  l – shows a single line of code, starting from current position  Either command takes an optional parameter of a line number . resets the line position to the current line

15 Practical use  Normal “command line” scripts  CGI scripts via –debug pragma or command arguments  mod_perl via Apache::DB  Not helpful for XSUB debugging

16 GUIs  ptkdb  IDEs  ActiveState PDK  I’ve personally found the PDK to be very weak (while somewhat simpler to navigate, set breakpoints, etc)

17 Komodo  ActiveState’s opensource-language IDE  Costs $$$  New version 3.0 just released with very complete GUI debug tools  Includes supports for watches, conditional breakpoints, immediate pane, etc  Includes support for simulating full CGI environment

18 The End Issac Goldstand Mirimar Networks

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