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March 18, 2005 Network Coding in Interference Networks Brian Smith and Sriram Vishwanath University of Texas at Austin March 18 th, 2005 Conference on.

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1 March 18, 2005 Network Coding in Interference Networks Brian Smith and Sriram Vishwanath University of Texas at Austin March 18 th, 2005 Conference on Information Sciences and Systems

2 March 18, 2005 Overview  Introduction  Interference vs. Non-Interference Networks  Network Coding in Non-Interference Networks  Gaussian Interference Networks  Classic Network Coding Example on a Gaussian Network  Network Coding on “Bow-Tie” Network  Network Coding with Node Cooperation  Summary

3 March 18, 2005 Introduction  Show by series of examples  Network-coding in interference network can act same as network coding in equivalent non-interference network  Can provide a benefit in interference network when it does not in the equivalent non-interference network  Node-cooperation and network-coding used together can additionally increase throughput

4 March 18, 2005 Non-Interference vs. Interference Networks  Arbitrary network configuration with conditional probability distributions across links Source Node #2 Terminal Node #1 Terminal Node #2 Terminal Node #3 Source Node #1

5 March 18, 2005 Non-Interference vs. Interference Networks X1X1 X2X2 X3X3 Y X Y1Y1 Y2Y2 Y3Y3 Interference NetworksNon-Interference Networks Sender is constrained to send the same signal to each receiver Sender not constrained to send the same signal to each receiver X=(X 1,X 2,X 3 ) Signals from different senders arriving at the same receiver interfere with each other Signals from different senders arriving at the same receiver are received independently Y=(Y 1,Y 2,Y 3 ) Multiple Access Model: p(y|x 1,x 2,x 3 ) Multiple Access Model: p(y|x 1,x 2,x 3 )=p(y 1 |x 1 )p(y 2 |x 2 )p(y 3 |x 3 ) Broadcast Model: p(y i |x) Broadcast Model: p(y i |x)=p(y i |x i ) We use additive Gaussian noise channels in examples In most network coding work, channels assumed perfect

6 March 18, 2005  Ahlswede, Cai, Li, Yeung, 2000  Model  Links transmit single symbol with no errors  Nodes can perform linear operations on received symbols  Result  Multicasting from single source to multiple receivers can be performed at min-cut max-flow rate [ACLY 2000]  Example  Ubiquitous routing vs. network coding example Classic Network Coding

7 March 18, 2005 The Network Coding Example S B D1D1 D2D2 A+B A BA BA S B D1D1 D2D2 A BA BA B BB Routing Network Coding 1.5 bits to each receiver2 bits to each receiver

8 March 18, 2005  Use additive complex white Gaussian noise channels in the illustrative examples  Each node has transmit power constraint  Received signal: Y=  X i +   ~ N (0,N)  Point-to-point channel  Capacity: R=lg(1+P/N)  Multiple access channel with independent messages  Sum Rate Capacity: R 1 +R 2 ≤lg(1 +P 1 /N+ P 2 /N) Gaussian Interference Networks X1X1 XY P1P1 X2X2 Y P2P2 P

9 March 18, 2005  Broadcast Channel with independent messages  Sum Rate Capacity:  R 1 +R 2 ≤ lg (1+P/N)  Multicasting over Broadcast Channel  Same message can be sent to both receivers at point-to-point rate  Broadcast channel with common message  First example: Classic network-coding network configuration with Gaussian channels  Use P=3/2 and N=1 at all nodes  To compare with bit-pipe model Gaussian Interference Networks X P Y1Y1 Y2Y2

10 March 18, 2005 Gaussian Network Coding Example B D1D1 D2D2 A X Y C=lg(1+3/2+3/2)=2 C=lg(1+3/2) C1C1 C2C2 P P P P

11 March 18, 2005  Strategies for the classic configuration in interference model  Ignore center nodes X,Y completely  Receive lg(5/2) bits/transmission each  Routing strategy  Constraints if multicasting at broadcast nodes  MACs: 2 bits/transmission  Direct links: lg(5/2) bits/transmission  R A =R B =R XY =R T =1 is viable  Route so that X-Y and Y-D links carry A’s information  1 bit to D 1, 2 bits to D 2, 1.5 bits on average  Can show with linear programming that no better pure routing strategy exists Interference Network Example: Routing B D1D1 D2D2 A X Y P P P P RARA RARA RBRB RBRB RTRT RTRT R XY

12 March 18, 2005 Interference Network Example: Network Coding  Instead, use the same strategy as in the non-interference network  Set all links to rate 1 bit/transmission  Send A B on links X-Y, Y-D 1, and Y-D 2  Each terminal receives 2 bits/transmission  Rate of 2 bits/transmission is maximum with independent codebooks  cut C 1 across multiple access channel  Exceeding the independent codebooks rate is the subject of the node-cooperation section  Essentially, taking the same actions as the non-interference network B D1D1 D2D2 A X Y P P P P C1C1

13 March 18, 2005 Aside: Multicasting  In the previous example, all broadcast nodes operated by multicasting  The same amount of information crosses cut C 1 in either mode  But, greater amount crosses each of C 2 and C 3 in the multicasting mode C1C1 C3C3 C2C2 R1R1 R2R2 P C1C1 C3C3 C2C2 R1R1 R2R2 PP (1-  )P R 1 =R 2 =lg(1+P) Multicasting R 1 +R 2 =lg(1+P) Broadcasting

14 March 18, 2005 Example: Multicasting Outperforms Broadcasting  In the following example, multicasting is superior to broadcasting  Three independent sources  Achievable rate across cut C 1 when center node multicasts:  Final term removes rate of common message  When center node broadcasts R1R1 R2R2 PP’ S1S1 S0S0 S2S2 C1C1

15 March 18, 2005 Effect of Multicasting  Intuition: Broadcast requirement of the interference network acts like a “T” configuration in the non-interference network  Adding a “bottleneck” link of equal capacity onto the node in the non- interference case constrains the two downlinks to send the same signal  Otherwise, not operating at full capacity  Analogy useful for next example P Multicasting in Interference Network “T” Configuration in Non- Interference Network “Bottleneck” link

16 March 18, 2005 Bow-Tie Network  Non-interference network: routing performs optimally  Interference Network Strategies  Ignore center node X  Allows lg(1+3/2) bits/transmission to each terminal node  Routing – Center node X alternately chooses A or B to forward  Rate of 1.5 bits/transmission to each terminal node  Network Coding  Node X multicasts A B to both destination nodes  Rate of 2 bits/transmission to each terminal node is optimal  Network Coding is useful in some interference networks when it provides no benefit in the non-interference network with the same configuration A B X D1D1 D2D2

17 March 18, 2005 Node Cooperation  Network coding is one method of inducing correlations on a network  Other methods:  Using correlated codebooks at separate nodes  Block-Markov coding for relay channel  For non-interference networks, independent coding shown optimal  Demonstrate interference network counter-example  Example: Network coding and node-cooperation in tandem increasing performance P0P0 U U,V V PP D1D1 D2D2

18 March 18, 2005 Node Cooperation  Nodes T 1 and T 2 have access to data sources U and V, respectively, while node T 0 has access to both U and V  Nodes T 1 and T 2 have power constraint P, while node T 0 has constraint P 0  When P=P 0 =3/2  Routing: 1.5 bits/transmission  Network coding with independent codebooks: 2 bits/transmission P0P0 U U,V V PP D1D1 D2D2 T1T1 T0T0 T2T2

19 March 18, 2005 Node Cooperation  Network coding with node cooperation scheme:  Three codebooks – for U message, V message, and U V message  Equal timesharing over two modes of operation  In first mode,  Node T 1 transmits U codeword scaled to power P+   Node T 2 transmits V codeword scaled to power P-   Node T 0 splits its power to transmit both U and U V  Second mode: Reverse of first mode P0P0 U U,V V PP D1D1 D2D2 T1T1 T0T0 T2T2

20 March 18, 2005 Node Cooperation  Network coding with node cooperation scheme:  T 1 and T 0 cooperate to send the codeword for U to D 1  T 0 sends codeword for U V to both D 1 and D 2  T 2 sends codeword for V to D 2  Destinations receive their own sources directly  Destinations can decode the opposite source with U V message  With appropriate choice of parameters  Average rate of 2.06 is achievable at each node P 0 -  0 U U,V V P+  P-  D1D1 D2D2 T1T1 T0T0 T2T2 00

21 March 18, 2005 Summary  “Bit-pipe” non-interference model is not complete  Neglects interactions between channels  In wireless scenario, imposes orthogonality constraint on channels  Any gains due to node-cooperation necessarily lost  Noisy channel model captures these effects  More difficult to handle  Results for non-interference networks can be duplicated  Configurations exists where bit-pipe model has no network coding gain, while interference model benefits from network coding  Node cooperation strategies can increase the throughput beyond that rate achieved by using independent codebooks

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