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EMEA Support David Roake VP Software, Solutions and Services.

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Presentation on theme: "EMEA Support David Roake VP Software, Solutions and Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMEA Support David Roake VP Software, Solutions and Services

2 2 Software Solutions and Services  Software product developments for direct markets  Custom solutions for direct markets  Consultancy and implementation assistance for Partners  Training for Partners  Technical Support of Hardware and Software  Staff in four countries in EMEA

3 3 Technical Support  Provide technical support on: All VeriFone hardware platforms All Verifone software: –Corporate –EMEA products –EMEA custom solutions  Manage issue resolution: ~100 cases opened per month Over 70% of cases are software related ~70% of cases handled by EMEA staff

4 4 Customer Feedback  We asked you how you thought Support were performing: Survey in 2005 looking at support for hardware and software Direct feedback  Feedback used to identify changes to the organisation and to the processes: Communications Problem Resolution Customer Management  We will continue monitor our success against changes that are made

5 5 Tier 2 Product Engineering Support Tier 3 Support ADC Engineering Manufacturing Support Organisation ASPAC EMEA LAC NA Tier 1 ADC VIPVIP Clarify DatabaseWeb Support Customer Critical Issues Management

6 Support in 2006

7 7 Organisation Changes  New EMEA Support Manager - Martyn Evans Eight years as Retail & Application Systems Manager for a large UK customer 4 years experience of VeriFone terminals  Technical Support Team Additional staff Now have 20+ man-years of VeriFone experience Variety of backgrounds including working in System Integrators and for a VIP

8 8 Communications  Closer integration with VeriFone. Enable Customer’s Developers to talk directly to VeriFone's Developers in critical situations  Agree what documentation & training VIP's need with VIP's and ensure it is produced and updated  Ensure the content of the VIP website is maintained  Collate findings and report to VIP’s on a regular basis  Looking into providing a brief satisfaction survey as part of closing calls, either online of via the phone

9 9 Problem Resolution  Strengthened our ability to deal with technical issues relating to software and hardware  Currently evaluating the escalation procedures  Review with the VIPs the use of DevNet Reporting Communication Closure  Improving responsiveness  Driving to reduce case open times  Implementing a new process for case closure so that closure is agreed with VIP prior to case being closed

10 10 Customer Management  Establish a forum for VIP's to discuss common issues and workarounds, at the time of VIP marketing meetings  VeriFone will become more open in sharing information about issues  Verifone will identify and communicate common issues as early as possible  Foster an open attitude to sharing information  Ensure problems that are fixed are rolled into product if applicable

11 11 Implementation – Points of Contact  Dedicated Primary Support contacts with a Nominated Backup Support contact  Support requests should come via DevNet where appropriate, or email  Escalation to

12 12 Conclusions  Looking for new ways to improve the current situation  Strengthened team to ensure that problem resolution is handled quickly and effectively  Ensure that the appropriate level of communication is provided  Provide an open forum so that information can be fed back  Are there any other changes that you would like to see happen?

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