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Capacity-building on Periodic Reporting and the Global Monitoring Reports (GMR) for the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity.

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Presentation on theme: "Capacity-building on Periodic Reporting and the Global Monitoring Reports (GMR) for the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capacity-building on Periodic Reporting and the Global Monitoring Reports (GMR) for the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions Avril Joffe, UNESCO Expert Facility Project funded by the Swedish Government Implementation by the Diversity of Cultural Expressions Section of the Culture Sector, in cooperation with UNESCO Field Offices 2014-2017 With funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Enhancing fundamental freedoms through the promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions

2 Global Capacity-building Strategy Four training modules being finalized (available in December 2015) Understanding the Convention Participatory planning for cultural policy making Periodic reporting International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) Three more training modules planned Cultural Statistics and Indicators Small- and Medium-size Enterprise (SME) Development Preferential treatment and international coordination (Articles 16 & 21)

3 Convention’s Expert Facility 2011 Expert Facility 30 international experts trained Technical assistance missions in 13 developing countries with EU funding 2015 expanded Expert Facility 43 international experts trained Capacity-building on periodic reporting in 12 developing countries Awareness-raising in Pakistan Capacity-building in Palestine Can be called on to assist field action

4 Swedish Government-UNESCO cooperation UNESCO and Sweden signed in Nov. 2014 a Programme Cooperation Agreement (PCA) for 2014-2017 New Programme Cooperation Agreement A project to implement the 2005 Convention nationally and globally 2005 Convention New funding by Sweden signals a strong commitment towards the objectives of the 2005 Convention Commitment by Sweden

5 Why periodic reporting? Stakeholder consultation Policy design & implementation Indicator building Policy monitoring Evaluation & reporting Policy review by stakeholders Re-design of policy Policy making being a cyclical process, periodic reporting provides opportunities for: multi-stakeholder consultation Identification of needs Capacity-building Collection of data and evidence Dialogue between government and civil society Awareness-raising

6 Project’s overall goal Supporting periodic reporting/ policy monitoring efforts Enhance the establishment of systems of good governance (transparent, participatory, informed) Support the active participation of both governmental and civil society actors

7 Component 1 Country-level capacity development interventions

8 Context Periodic reports is one of the statutory obligations of all Parties, but, Parties… Lack capacity to elaborate the report Lack understanding of the scope of the Convention Lack statistical data and indicators for the culture sector Capacity- building identified as a priority Policy-making being a cyclical process, monitoring and reporting constitutes an indispensable step within this policy cycle, helping countries to grasp the state of affairs of their creative sector and understand/define priority actions for the future

9 Country-level capacity-building interventions in 12 developing countries that are Parties to the Convention Africa UNESCO Office in Dakar Senegal Burkina Faso UNESCO Office in Addis Ababa Ethiopia UNESCO Office in Harare Zimbabwe UNESCO Office in Nairobi Rwanda Arab states UNESCO Office in Rabat MoroccoTunisia Asia UNESCO Office in Phnom Penh Cambodia UNESCO Office in Jakarta Indonesia UNESCO Office in Hanoi Viet Nam Latin America and the Caribbean UNESCO Office in Havana Cuba UNESCO Office in Quito Colombia

10 Quadrennial Periodic Report (QPR) Deadlines 30 April 2016 Burkina Faso (2 nd QPR) Cambodia (2 nd QPR) Cuba (2 nd QPR) Ethiopia (1 st QPR overdue since 2012) Indonesia (1 st QPR) Rwanda (1 st QPR) Senegal (1 st QPR overdue since 2012) Tunisia (2 nd QPR) Viet Nam (2 nd QPR) Zimbabwe (1 st QPR overdue since 2012) 30 April 2017 Colombia (1 st QPR) Morocco (1 st QPR)

11 Country-level capacity-building process 1. Consultation (1-day event) & needs assessment (1-2 months) 2. National training workshop (3-days) 3. Elaboration of a periodic report (4-8 months) 4. Public presentation & debate on the periodic reports (1-day event)

12 1. One-day Consultation and needs assessment 1-day multi-stakeholder consultation = Raising awareness about the Convention among them is essential 1 - 2 months for Needs assessment by the national team Multi-stakeholder team to include governmental and civil society

13 2. Three-days training workshop 3-day national training workshop by experts from the Expert Facility & UNESCO Field office Participants representing various stakeholders

14 3. Elaboration of periodic reports (6-8 months) Collection of relevant data and informationInclusion of contributions by civil societyMentoring provided by the expertsParticipatory drafting of a periodic reportFinalization of a draft periodic report

15 4. One-day public presentation of the periodic report Multi-stakeholder forums for feedback and validation Integration of comments provided at the forum Submission of the finalized periodic reports to UNESCO

16 Deliverables of Component 1 1 day consultations organized National team developed for periodic reporting Needs assessment conducted 3-day national workshop conducted Periodic reports elaborated by the national team with inputs from various governmental institutions and civil society organizations Public presentation organized to review/finalize the periodic reports Periodic reports submitted to UNESCO

17 Keeping in mind: Creating synergies with CI Sector Media diversity Consultation, training and public presentation of periodic reports to involve media professionals/experts Media Indicators Capacity-building activities to contribute to indicator development including media diversity

18 Component 2 Production of two Biennial Global Monitoring Reports (GMR) in (1 st edition in December 2015 and 2 nd in June 2017)

19 What is GMR and what for? A tool for benchmarking, monitoring and follow-up of the implementation of the Convention Analysis of current global trendsIdentification of emerging challengesAssessment of the impact of policies and measuresSharing of solutions/good practices Promotion of transparency/good governance of culture based on guiding principles of the Convention (respect of human rights, fundamental freedoms)

20 Draft table of contents Foreword by the Director-General of UNESCO, Ministry of Culture of Sweden & Messages from high personalities celebrating the 10 th anniversary of the Convention (to be identified) 1.Introduction 2.Executive summary 3.Monitoring and evaluating policies for the diversity of cultural expressions: history and background 4.State of implementation of the 2005 Convention 5.Methodology and indicators : proposals for a global results based monitoring framework 6.Cultural policies to promote the diversity of cultural expressions 7.International coordination: the Convention in other international fora 8.International cultural cooperation 9.Preferential treatment 10.Culture and sustainable development 11.Participation of civil society 12.Digital technologies 13.Public Service Broadcasting and Media Diversity 14.Status of the Artist, Freedom of artistic expression 15.Gender Equality 16.Concluding Chapter: The way forward

21 Monitoring the diversity of cultural expressions globally: Priority monitoring domains Respect of human rights Freedom of artistic expression/creation Status of artists Mobility of artists Media diversity Gender equality Sovereign right Policies and measures adopted to reinforce different stages of the cultural value chain (creation, production, distribution/diffusion, participation access to culture) Equitable access International cooperation and preferential treatment to facilitate the mobility of artists, open and balanced exchange of cultural goods and services Analysis of the impact of digital technologies on the diversity of cultural expressions Complementary aspects (economic & cultural) Integration of culture into sustainable development policies

22 Expected results of the project 1. Governmental and civil society actors participate in transparent and informed policy making processes 2. Countries apply evidence- based and informed policy making 3. Synergies in analysis and advocacy are created with the Communication Sector

23 Keeping in mind: Creating synergies with CI Sector Joint referencing to key indicators, frameworks and global reports in areas of freedom of expression and media diversity: Media Development Indicators (MDI), Culture for Development Indicators (CDIS), Global Reports on World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development and publications in the Internet Freedom Series Synergies in analysis of data and consolidation of indicators Experts recommended by CI Sector: Shared expertise Joint presentation of GMR during World Press Freedom Day (3 May), World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development (21 May), and World Radio Day (13 February) Coordinated advocacy and messaging

24 For more information: Thank you.

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