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Example 4: Example of a Risk Based Microbiological Criterion for food/pathogen with a high prevalent pathogen Jens Kirk Andersen Maarten Nauta Annette.

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Presentation on theme: "Example 4: Example of a Risk Based Microbiological Criterion for food/pathogen with a high prevalent pathogen Jens Kirk Andersen Maarten Nauta Annette."— Presentation transcript:

1 Example 4: Example of a Risk Based Microbiological Criterion for food/pathogen with a high prevalent pathogen Jens Kirk Andersen Maarten Nauta Annette Perge Andrea Regina de Oliveira Silva Amy Gassama Sow Diana Ximena Correa Florencia Antillón Guerrero Niels Nielsen Simone Machado

2 National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark Drafting team: Colombia Costa Rica Denmark Senegal ALA

3 National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark The principle is simple: Take a sample Do the testing Perform a risk assessment on the result Compare the risk to the avarage (baseline) risk Acceptability of the food is conditioned on the relative risk

4 National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark Requirements: More practical when the pathogen is highly prevalent A quantitative microbiological risk assessment (QMRA) must be established Knowledge on the average (base-line) occurrence must be established

5 National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark Example 4: Campylobacter in Poultry Example chosen for following reasons: –High prevalence –A QMRA has been established –A quantitative method is developed

6 National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark The result of the calculation is a relative risk Decision on acceptability is depending on the relation of the risk to the average risk – the base-line risk We are not calculating the absolute risk This way an unforeseen factor, or an underestimated or overestimated effect in the RA-model will be evened out

7 National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark Purpose The purpose is to contribute to an Appropriate Level of Protection with specific reference to the occurrence of Campylobacter in poultry

8 National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark Who could implement the criterion? The competent authorities, - but could possibly also be the food business operator.

9 National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark Product: Broiler carcasses, either fresh or frozen. Organism: Campylobacter spp.

10 National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark Sampling plan 20 single samples of neck-skin (or carcasss/rinsage) are sampled. At least 10 grams of neck-skin should be collected.

11 National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark Analytical Method Each sample is homogenized and 10-fold dilutions are prepared and tested quantitatively for Campylobacter spp. according to ISO 10272-2 –(Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs -- Horizontal method for detection and enumeration of Campylobacter spp. -- Part 2: Colony-count technique).

12 National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark Interpretation of results:

13 National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark Limit of acceptance Relative risk = 10 –This is strictly a risk management decision!

14 National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark Action in case of non-compliance: Option 1: The batch is rejected for human consumption, and withdrawn. Option 2: The batch is be subjected to heat treatment. Option 3: The batch may be subjected to decontamination. The acceptable effect of decontamination may be defined, i.e. a 2 log reduction.

15 National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark Thank you for your attention!

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