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Katoomba Group Meeting September 17-18, 2005 Jinja Town, Uganda.

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Presentation on theme: "Katoomba Group Meeting September 17-18, 2005 Jinja Town, Uganda."— Presentation transcript:

1 Katoomba Group Meeting September 17-18, 2005 Jinja Town, Uganda

2 Workshop Objectives To share ideas on strategies for scaling up of Payments for Ecosystem Services To obtain feedback on the direction of the Ecosystem Marketplace To share information about Katoomba Group member initiatives To discuss expanding Katoomba Group activities in Africa

3 Planning Activities in 2005 Analytical framework on institutional requirements for PES Global assessment of barriers to scaling up PES (by market, by stakeholder, country) Baseline of ongoing PES activities on institutional development/capacity Proposed strategy for institutional development/capacity for scaling up PES

4 Major Barriers to Scaling up PES Inadequate market information Lack of capacity for strategic planning and institutional development Private buyers not mobilized to engage Lack of viable models for BD payments Weak engagement of rural communities

5 Draft Strategic Priorities Enhance Ecosystem Marketplace for market info Mobilize and organize private buyers for ES Regional “Katoomba Groups” to support country and regional capacity- and institution-building for PES in Latin America, Africa, and Asia Best practice guidelines for biodiversity PES: Biodiversity offsets Small to medium forest enterprises Agri-environmental payments for landscape impacts Coastal and marine ecosystem PES

6 Agenda Saturday: Marketplace Plans PES in Africa Mobilizing Buyers Group Member Updates African Dancing! Sunday: CARE/IIED/WWF Watershed PES Business and Biodiversity Offsets Brainstorming on Market Info Needs Next Steps for LULUCF in Carbon Trading

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