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Understanding White Balance. So, what is it anyways? a way to “measure” the temperature of light & “balance” the colors.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding White Balance. So, what is it anyways? a way to “measure” the temperature of light & “balance” the colors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding White Balance

2 So, what is it anyways? a way to “measure” the temperature of light & “balance” the colors

3 Well, why do it? Goal of a conventional photograph is to: –attain an ideal White Balance –white color is close to true, neutral white –all of the colors in your image are “true to life.”

4 Can I break the rules? In short…YES. But not until you’re a professional! JK…but seriously though, let’s master perfect WB before we cast crazy colors on our photos. I need proof that you understand.

5 Some things to consider… Your EYE matters!— adjusting WB gets personal Vital to adjust in camera Can be fixed/tweaked in Photoshop

6 Let’s get technical, technical…

7 Cameras Make WB Easy as Pie

8 ‘FEW’…are we done yet? Photoshop allows us 1,634,357,246,773 ways to tweak white balance Moral of the story is: –Fix WB in your camera first Now, let’s learn what Photoshop has to offer.

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