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Off Site Training Chapter #7. Why off site training?

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Presentation on theme: "Off Site Training Chapter #7. Why off site training?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Off Site Training Chapter #7

2 Why off site training?

3 Advantages Away from workplace pressure Away from workplace pressure New viewpoints New viewpoints Trainers are experts in field Trainers are experts in field but but outcomes are difficult to evaluate outcomes are difficult to evaluate

4 Off site methods Off site methods Instructor led classrooms Instructor led classrooms Widely used methods Widely used methods Increasing in use Increasing in use Best when feedback, role play discussion sessions are used Best when feedback, role play discussion sessions are used –OKC Metro –Seminars –Workshops

5 Audio visuals Video, Video, –MBTI Role play TV, TV, –Survivor project for OB class Software Software –Power point

6 Corporate Universities Currently used in 1,600 Firms in USA Currently used in 1,600 Firms in USA Used to communicate company values and practices and ethics. Used to communicate company values and practices and ethics. –McDonalds –Xerox –Motorola –GM –Catepillar

7 Virtual Reality Designed to represent tasks in 5 areas Designed to represent tasks in 5 areas –Procedures –cockpit procedures –Motor skills –Telephone pole climbing –Conceptual tasks –Navigation –Identifications –Safety hazards –Team functions –To show coordination of effort

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