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WFD and some examples of management of streaming waters in southern Finland Kari Salovaara, Uusimaa Society for Environmental Protection.

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Presentation on theme: "WFD and some examples of management of streaming waters in southern Finland Kari Salovaara, Uusimaa Society for Environmental Protection."— Presentation transcript:

1 WFD and some examples of management of streaming waters in southern Finland Kari Salovaara, Uusimaa Society for Environmental Protection

2 Overview of WFD implementation in Finland Legislation; 4 new laws; not finalized Typology done (?) Classification (?) Only water surface No extra costs

3 Conclusions of national implementation Doesn't meet “The legally binding timetable of the Water Framework Directive” Further problems: River basins > 1000 km 2 Lakes > 40 km 2 In Karjaa river basin only lake Lohjanjärvi and Mustio river Natura 2000 and protected areas missing Next steps; will there be any success ?

4 Example 1: Vantaa river Project established 1997 Main strategies: To reduce nutrients River restoration Build environment Landscape and biodiversity Fishes & Fishing Recreation and tourism

5 Vantaa river basin Uusimaa county 43 separate projects From 2001 Vantaa River and Helsinki Region Water Protection Society Continuing actively Different funding sources

6 Restoration example – Vantaa river

7 Example 2: Karjaa river basin Life Nature -project - Innowa Duration 2001/04 – 2005/03 Budget 2,3 M€ 32 partners 7 sectors; restoration of streams

8 Karjaa river - Innowa Restoration of streams, 12 sites Otter monitoring, 125 sites Responsible body NGO, Society for Stream Restoration Finnish speciality, trout

9 Examples All sites checked before and after restoration, 43(+40) sites, 17 trout populations, DNA tested Permits ! Goals multi-purpose Ecological corridors

10 Examples Mussels Unio crassus, largest population in the world Margaritifera margaritifera, large population, which is suffering of missing salmon. Youngest are 40 years old, as old as when to river was closed for salmons. Goal; to build a way for salmons to enter the river

11 Conclusions Will all the possibilities used to minimizing benefits ? In NGO work less partisipants, higher costs, less funding Municipalties, high diversity

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