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Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull. Appreciate your position.

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Presentation on theme: "Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull. Appreciate your position."— Presentation transcript:

1 Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull

2 Appreciate your position.

3 Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull Appreciate your position. “The best of you are those who learn the Qur’aan and teach it.”

4 Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull Appreciate your position. “The best of you are those who learn the Qur’aan and teach it.” Respect your Responsibility.

5 Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull Appreciate your position. “The best of you are those who learn the Qur’aan and teach it.” Respect your Responsibility.

6 Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull Appreciate your position. “The best of you are those who learn the Qur’aan and teach it.” Respect your Responsibility. Any negligance on your behalf is a breach of trust. Attendance & Punctuality. Inform the office & HOS timously

7 Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull Appreciate your position. “The best of you are those who learn the Qur’aan and teach it.” Respect your Responsibility. Any negligance on your behalf is a breach of trust. Why do we teach?

8 Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull Why do we teach? – Qur’aan!

9 Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull Why do we teach? – Qur’aan! – Hifz!

10 Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull Why do we teach? – Qur’aan! – Hifz! – Du’as!

11 Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull Why do we teach? – Qur’aan! – Hifz! – Du’as! – Fiqh!

12 Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull Why do we teach? – Qur’aan! – Hifz! – Du’as! – Fiqh! – History & The Seerah Of our Belovd Nabi (S.A.W.)

13 Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull Why do we teach? – Qur’aan! – Hifz! – Du’as! – Fiqh! – History & The Seerah Of our Belovd Nabi (S.A.W.) – Arabic!

14 Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull Why do we teach? – Qur’aan! – Hifz! – Du’as! – Fiqh! – History & the seerah of our belovd nabi (S.A.W.). – Arabic! Do we have a passion for our job?

15 Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull Do we have a passion for Our Job? Is our Knowledge of the subject adequate?

16 Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull appreciate your position. “The best of you are those who learn the Qur’aan and teach it.” Respect your Responsibility. Any negligance on your behalf is a breach of trust. Why do we teach? Qur’aan! Hifz! Du’as! Fiqh! History & The Seerah Of our Belovd Nabi (S.A.W.) Arabic! Do we have a passion for Our Job. Is our Knowledge of the subject adequate?

17 Make Ta ’ leem Meaningfull Respect your Responsibility. Any negligance on your behalf is a breach of trust. Do not be negative.

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