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Abnormal Psychology (Chapter 18) Lecture Outline : “Abnormality” Diagnosis Anxiety Disorders.

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1 Abnormal Psychology (Chapter 18) Lecture Outline : “Abnormality” Diagnosis Anxiety Disorders

2 Abnormality Behavior is statistically unusual, nonadaptive, labeled “abnormal”, or has perceptual/cognitive distortion Historical examples of abnormal behavior: –psychosis: demon possession, syphillis –mentally retarded individuals & midgets were “court-jesters” –Salem witch trials: girls may have ingested ergot, LSD derivative

3 Models of abnormality Psychodynamic: Intrapsychic conflict –e.g., sexual abuse and conversion disorder Humanistic: Oversensitivity to others –e.g., alcoholism for social anxiety Behavioral: Reinforcement/Punishment –e.g., snake bite leads to snake phobia Cognitive: Distorted thinking –e.g., negative thoughts and depression Medical: Physiological imbalance

4 Diagnosis: DSM-IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th Ed. (APA, 1994) Axis I: Clinical syndromes/ Mental disorders Axis II: Personality and Disorders Axis III: General Medical Conditions Axis IV: Psychosocial and Environmental Problems Axis V: GAF Scale (1:low to 100:high)

5 Anxiety Disorders Symptoms of anxiety: –Mood: tension, apprehension and panic –Cognitive: catastrophe, concentration –Somatic: Sweat, pulse, dizzy, pounding –Motor: Tics, bite nails, pace, fidget Case examples of clients with anxiety disorders, with emphasis on panic disorder (video #92)

6 Specific kinds of anxiety disorders Phobias: Simple, social, and agoraphobia Panic Disorder: Bouts of intense and uncontrollable anxiety Generalized anxiety disorder: Chronic Stress Disorder: PTSD Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder –obsession: unwanted impulses or thoughts –compulsion: uncontrolled repetitive act

7 Diversity of anxiety Examples of cases of anxiety from the National Institute of Mental Health – htm#anx4

8 Etiology (Cause) of Anxiety Psychodynamic: External threats –guilt after id-superego struggle Learning theory: Classical conditioning –sexual anxiety after unprotected sex Cognitive: Anxious cognitions –public speaking catastrophes Humanistic-Existential: “A” gets a “B” Physiological: Autonomic reactivity

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