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Engg Physics Crystal Structure

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1 Engg Physics Crystal Structure
Ligancy and critical radius ratio in ionic crystal : Materials Science & Engineering’ by V. Raghavan, Prentice Hall of India Ltd, New Delhi. Concepts for further study of crystals (pre-requisite) : Dattu R Joshi, Engg Phys Structure of cubic crystals (SC, BCC, FCC) : Dattu R Joshi, Engg Phys Miller indices, planes and direction : Dattu R Joshi, Engg Phys Imperfections: point, line, surface & volume (introductory) : Dattu R Joshi, Engg Phys Reference books Topics Covered: duration 5 hrs * Different presentations and videos will also be used

2 Why we are studying Crystal Structures in Engineering Physics
All engineering disciplines need to know about materials. So that they will be able to, select a material for a given use based on considerations of cost and performance. understand the limits of materials and the change of their properties with use. create a new material that will have some desirable properties. Even the most "immaterial", like software or system engineering depend on the development of new materials, which in turn alter the economics, like software-hardware trade-offs. Increasing applications of system engineering are in materials manufacturing (industrial engineering) and complex environmental systems. So this chapter equip the students with basic knowledge of materials (crystals) at microscopic level.

3 1. Concepts for further study of crystals
What are ions, atoms, molecules etc? What are the type of materials? Differentiate between the different type of materials. Define Crystals and its types. Introduction to Unit cell.

4 2. Structure of cubic crystals (SC, BCC, FCC)
Three types of cubic crystal unit cells SC, BCC & FCC. What are the terms defining properties of all the unit cells? Lattice constant Co-ordination number Atomic packing fraction Void space Density define and compare the properties of unit cells by finding the values of the above mentioned terms. Numerical problems based on these terms for different unit cells

5 3. Miller indices, planes and direction
What are Miller indices? Why and how we are finding Miller Indices? How to draw different planes whose intercepts are given for a particular unit cell? Numerical problems based on miller indices.

6 4. Ligancy and critical radius ratio in ionic crystal
Define Ligancy and critical radius ratio in ionic crystals. Difference between Ligancy and Co-ordination number. To find critical radius ratio for ligancy 3, 6, & 8 for ionic crystals. Ligancy 3 Ligancy 6 Ligancy 8

7 5. Imperfections: point, line, surface & volume (introductory)
What are imperfections in a crystal? Vacancy Defects Edge Dislocation Define the types of imperfections in crystals. Point (Vacancy, Substitution, Interstitial, Ionic) Line (Edge & Screw dislocation) Surface (Grain, Tilt & Twist, Twin, Stacking) Volume (Voids & Cracks)

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