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Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? BTLEW Part One ENTER.

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2 Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? BTLEW Part One ENTER

3 Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? BTLEWWarm-up I.Drug Problem Drug Problem II.A song: Pure and Simple A song: Pure and Simple III.Vocabularies Related to Drug Vocabularies Related to Drug

4 Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? BTLEW Drug addiction has been described as a pathological relationship to a ________. What kind of symptoms indicates that someone has a drug problem? Well, for a start, it is obvious that the person has a problem if they deny or try to hide their drinking or drug use, or ______ to everyone that they are taking less than they really are; if they try to make excuses for their drug-taking; if they avoid talking about their drug-taking habits and ________ the problems associated with drug use; if they seek out friends who are also drug users; if they have drug-related problems such as accidents, financial difficulties, absenteeism, _______ illnesses, difficulties at work, conflicts with family and friends. I.Drug Problem substance minimize frequent Listen to the passage. Complete the spots. To be continued on the next page. pretend

5 Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? BTLEW And of course it _______ true that hard drugs are more of a problem than soft drugs. If someone is taking cocaine or _____ regularly then they certainly have a Drug Problem and need help in trying to overcome it. If on the other hand they are taking cannabis now and again, most people would accept that it does not constitute a Drug Problem. The Drug Problem affects all of us, because drugs ___ crime. Illegal drugs are now more widely available than ever before and children are __________ exposed to them. Drugs are not just a threat to health; they are also a threat on the streets and a serious threat to communities too, because of drug-related crime. certainly heroin To be continued on the next page. I.Drug Problem fuel increasingly

6 Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? BTLEW One answer to the Drug Problem is to improve job opportunities, because drug taking is often _________ with other social problems such as unemployment, boredom, ________ from society and so on. Perhaps the best approach is to help people to resist drugs, and at the same time protect communities from drug-related crime by better policing; make treatment for drug addicts more readily available; and to ____ the availability of drugs on the street. There are no easy answers to the Drug Problem. But there is plenty of support out there if drug users do decide that they want to ____ their drug habit. The end of Drug Problem. associa ted alienatio n stifle kick I.Drug Problem

7 Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? BTLEW II. A Song: Pure and Simple To be continued on the next page. By Hear'Say Wherever you go Whatever you do It's pure and simple I'll be there for you You've been saying that I'm driving you crazy And I haven't been around for you lately But I've had a few things on the mind When I'm with ya I am filled with emotion Can't you see that I'm giving you devotion And a love like this is hard to find I know I've been walking around in a daze (baby, baby) You've gotta believe me when I say (oh oh)

8 Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? BTLEW To be continued on the next page. Wherever you go (I'll always be there) whatever you do (I know I'm gonna be there) It's pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh) I'll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there) Whatever it takes (I'll always be there) I swear it's true (you know I'm gonna be there) It's pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh) I'll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there) II. A Song: Pure and Simple

9 Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? BTLEW To be continued on the next page. I've been there through the stormiest weather Always trying to make things a bit better And I know I've gotta try and get through to you You can love me in a way like no other But the situation's taking you under So you need to tell me now what you wanna do I know I've been walking around in a daze (baby, baby) You've gotta believe me when I say (oh oh) Wherever you go (I'll always be there) whatever you do (I know I'm gonna be there) It's pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh) II. A Song: Pure and Simple

10 Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? BTLEW To be continued on the next page. I'll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there) Whatever it takes (I'll always be there) I swear it's true (you know I'm gonna be there) It's pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh) I'll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there) I'll always be there for ya baby You know that I'll always be around (I'll always be there, ya know I'll always be there) I'll always be there for ya honey You know I will never let you down (oh oh) 'cause you're the only one for me Yeh yeh yeh II. A Song: Pure and Simple

11 Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? BTLEW The end of A Song: Pure and Simple. Wherever you go (I'll always be there) whatever you do (I know I'm gonna be there) It's pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh) I'll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there) Whatever it takes (I'll always be there) I swear it's true (you know I'm gonna be there) It's pure and simple (yeh yeh yeh) I'll be there for you (pure and simple gonna be there) II. A Song: Pure and Simple

12 Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? BTLEW Translation 大麻 可卡因 兴奋剂 鸦片 海洛因 吗啡 快克 度冷丁 冰毒 摇头丸 cannabis cocaine stimulants opium heroin morphine crack dolantin “ice” “ecstasy”, XTC III. Vocabularies Related to Drug To be continued on the next page.

13 Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? BTLEW Translation To be continued on the next page. drug dependence drug of abuse drug addiction abstinence syndrome drug addict injecting drug user, IDU snorting physical dependence psychic dependence physiological dependence psychological dependence 药物依赖性 滥用药物 毒瘾 戒断综合症 吸毒者 注射毒品滥用者 鼻吸 身体依赖性 精神依赖性 生理依赖性 心理依赖性 III. Vocabularies Related to Drug

14 Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? BTLEW Translation To be continued on the next page. drug-seeking behavior drug-taking behavior compulsive drug use polydrug abuse detoxification withdrawal rehabilitation reintegration 觅药行为 用药行为 强迫性用药 多药滥用 脱毒 脱瘾 康复 重返社会 III. Vocabularies Related to Drug

15 Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? BTLEW Translation To be continued on the next page. 《 Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971 》 《 United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psycho tropic Substances, 1988 》 National Institute on Drug Dependence 《 1971 年精神药物公约》 《 1988 年联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物公约》 中国药物依赖性研究所 III. Vocabularies Related to Drug

16 Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? BTLEW Translation International Narcotics Control Board, INCB United Nations International Drug Control Programme, UNDCP World Health Organization, WHO Community Epidemiology Work Group, CEWG Asian Multicity Epidemiology Work Group, AMEWG 联合国国际麻醉品管制局 联合国国际禁毒计划署 世界卫生组织 美国社区药物滥用流行病学工作组 亚洲多城市药物滥用流行病学工作组 The end of Vocabularies Related to Drug. III. Vocabularies Related to Drug

17 Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? BTLEW Part One This is the end of Part One. Please click HOME to visit other parts. HOME

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