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Do Now Explain the significance of these terms: –Communism –The Cold War –Iron curtain –containment.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Explain the significance of these terms: –Communism –The Cold War –Iron curtain –containment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Explain the significance of these terms: –Communism –The Cold War –Iron curtain –containment

2 America’s fear of Communism Senator Joseph McCarthy:  was looking for an “issue” to use to be reelected  took advantage of America’s fear of Communism  Accused over 200 people in government of being Communist  Accused entire Democratic party for allowing Communists into government Period is called McCarthyism - some refer to his behavior as witch hunting

3 McCarthy in action

4 Anti-Communist Propaganda Symbols that represent Communism: Hammer - workers, scythe - farmers 5 pointed star

5 In your notes… Number each image What message do you think it’s trying to send? Respond to the questions on the page

6 This is the Kremlin (Russia’s gov. is here) a. Star: Who is in it? b. What symbols do you see? c. What’s going on?? # 1 d. Message?

7 a. What will happen if America falls to Communism? # 2 b. Message?

8 a. Anti-Communist movies: What do you see? b. What might this be about? # 3 c. Message?

9 a. What warning might this film give? # 4 b. Message?

10 a. Why is Communism America’s Mortal Enemy? b. Based on this image, what might Communism do to America? # 5 c. Message?

11 This is a comic book. a. What message might it send to kids who read it? b. Why might the “hero” be called The Saint? # 6 c. Message?

12 Other measures America took: Propaganda State laws Loyalty Oath House Un-American Activities Committee  Targeted Hollywood  Many were friendly witnesses - testified  Hollywood Ten - unfriendly  Blacklists formed - career over Loyalty Review Board  Investigated government The McCarran Internal Security Act Spy cases and executions

13 Do-Now: Think about the movie you saw yesterday, The Red Nightmare. According to the American government (that made the film), how would Communism affect the lives of everyday Americans? Talk about 1. Rights:4. Family: 2. Religion:5. Communication: 3. School:6. Free will: (the right to make your own choices)

14 Containment fails!

15 China 20 year struggle between Communists and Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-shek –Guess who the U.S. sent aid to -- $3billion –Kai-shek showed strength in resisting Japanese BUT –Those on the inside thought he was corrupt –Had a secret police, many farmers were shot at, etc.

16 Enter Mao Zedong Worked to win support of peasants – encouraged them to learn to read and supported new methods of food production Communists easily won support throughout China

17 End of WWII all Japanese occupation ends Fighting breaks out U.S. supports Nationalists as long as possible Nationalists fled to Taiwan in 1949 Communists take over U.S. refuses to accept People’s Republic of China

18 America’s reaction China’s collapse internal Other’s U.S. government full of Communist sympathizers



21 Former Japanese conquests were divided into territories: North of the 38 th parallel was accepted as Communist and occupied by Soviet troops; the South was occupied by American troops

22 Country was waiting for free elections Tensions increased along the border…the 38 th parallel became a symbol of freedom vs. Communism North Korean forces invaded South Korea on June 25, 1950 –Knew U.S. presence was not strong and would not fight back

23 So how is this a Cold War? Cold War is between the U.S. and Soviet Union Never becomes “hot” between these two nations (although several close calls) China and Soviet Union support North, but fighting is between the Koreas


25 Soviets support North Americans support South

26 Fought for 3 years Power was pushed back and forth Ended with a stalemate (no winner) Divided once again @ 38 th parallel into North and South Today: North Korea is officially Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and South Korea is officially Republic of Korea (ROK)

27 General MacArthur Wants to attack China Attempts to overrule President Truman and continues to fight

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