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1 Welcome ISTE Innovative Educators' Express Webinar Reinventing Project-Based Learning Your Field Guide to Real-World Projects in the Digital Age Wednesday,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Welcome ISTE Innovative Educators' Express Webinar Reinventing Project-Based Learning Your Field Guide to Real-World Projects in the Digital Age Wednesday,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Welcome ISTE Innovative Educators' Express Webinar Reinventing Project-Based Learning Your Field Guide to Real-World Projects in the Digital Age Wednesday, October 24, 2007 1:00 Pacific/4:00 Eastern

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3 3 Reinventing Project-Based Learning is your guide for maximizing the benefits of project-based learning in today’s technology-rich learning environment. Look for:  Stories from more than 30 classrooms in twelve countries that illustrate a new vision of project-based learning with technology.  A guided instructional design process that helps you harness the essential learning functions of digital tools as you create rigorous and engaging projects.

4 4 “Reinventing Project-Based Learning features great examples of extended learning opportunities for students coupled with best practice uses of the Read/Write Web technologies that are changing the world. Suzie Boss and Jane Krauss put the emphasis on learning, not on technology, and their many vignettes show how teachers are beginning to take full advantage of the new global connections we have at our fingertips. This is a journey that every educator needs to embark upon, and this highly readable road map is the perfect companion for the trip.” —Will Richardson, Author of Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms

5 5 For today’s agenda and links visit the Reinventing PBL Wiki http://reinventingpbl.pbwiki.com

6 6 More than a book - Join the conversation on the Reinventing PBL Blog http://reinventingpbl.blogspot.com

7 7 More than a book - Contribute to the Flickr Reinventing PBL photo

8 8 Authors Jane Krauss Educator, Curriculum and Professional Development Program Writer Suzie Boss Journalist, Editor

9 9 Welcome ISTE Innovative Educators' Express Webinar Reinventing Project-Based Learning Your Field Guide to Real-World Projects in the Digital Age Wednesday, October 24, 2007 1:00 Pacific/4:00 Eastern

10 10 Why Reinventing? New contexts for learning in the digital age New contexts for teaching with collaboration and digital tools New possibilities for reinvigorating PBL to achieve greater results

11 11 PBL Educators Discuss: Are there common characteristics, patterns of behavior among teachers who engage students in project-based learning? What are they like? º º º For 2-3 minutes º º º Reflect or discuss with colleagues, add your thoughts to Chat 3

12 12 PBL Educators Optimistic - Look beyond restrictions to the possibilities Not waiting for all conditions to be perfect Lifelong learners, self-directed Ambitious and confident - expect a lot of their students Connectors who -learn from, collaborate with colleagues, locally or virtually -connect students to other students and the larger community

13 13 Key Themes 1.Students are changing, context for living and working is changing, too 2.We can and should learn from actual classroom practice - and from classrooms around the globe 3.A strong instructional design underlies the best, most rigorous projects 4.Shift focus from technology to the essential learning functions technology allows 5.Collaboration is the key to reinventing, mastering a new way of teaching.

14 14 Your Project Your Journey

15 15 4 Major Sections Anticipation Packing Up Navigating the Learning Experience Expanding Your Circle For a closer look, see: Reinventing Table of Contents in the ReinventingPBL Wiki Your Project Your Journey

16 16 Stories Help Us Understand More than 30 examples, each illustrating an important idea

17 17 A few examples… David Fagg: iHistory Podcasts Jerome Burg: Google Lit Trips Kathy Cassidy: Young Writers’ Blog

18 18 Projects You Admire Think: What is a terrific project others should know about? Discuss: In a few words, what is the project, and what makes it good? º º º For 2-3 minutes º º º Reflect or discuss with colleagues, add your thoughts to Chat 3 Have more to say? Add to

19 19 Projects You Admire About this project… what makes it good? Did you say… Rigorous? Authentic, meaningful? Started a school tradition? Developed skills? Drew on hidden talents? Engaged a community? Made a difference in the world? Connected people in new ways? Learning went “beyond the project”? Inspired love of a subject or topic? Inspired a sense of possibility? Made students feel important?

20 20 So when we talk about technology… Flip the equation—It’s not about technology but rather what you want to accomplish and how technology helps you do it

21 21 When we talk about technology… “Technology integration” is OLD SCHOOL Technology makes profound and new learning opportunities possible, offering functions that fundamentally change the teaching and learning enterprise. Consider 8 essential learning functions tech allows

22 22 Essential Learning Functions Ubiquity Deep Learning Making Things Visible and Discussable Expressing Ourselves, Sharing Ideas, Building Community Collaboration Research Project Management Reflection and Iteration Appendix A: Snapshot and work in progress

23 23 What’s Essential? Ubiquity Deep Learning Making Things Visible and Discussable Expressing Ourselves, Sharing Ideas, Building Community Collaboration Research Project Management Reflection and Iteration Appendix A: Snapshot and work in progress

24 24 one example Making Things Visible and Discussable Essential Learning Functions: Making Things Visible and Discussable Current technologies that make this possible: –Mapping, other geo tools –Web cams –Concept mapping tools –Digital photography, Photosharing sites –Primary-source repositories, “electronic museums” –Virtual manipulatives, modeling software

25 25 Where might “making things visible and discussable” lead? Google Lit Trips The Interactive Reading Companion California teacher Jerome Burg uses Google Earth and primary sources (photos, videos, documents) to enhance the experience of reading great “road” literature.

26 26 Where might this lead? º º º For 2-3 minutes º º º Examine Google Lit Trips The Grapes of Wrath grades 9-12 As you watch, ask yourself: What is Jerome accomplishing with this? How is it different from typical literature study? Grapes of Wrath Screencast

27 27 And where else? Google Lit Trips Students are contributing Imagine how higher order thinking is engaged, information literacy and technical skills advanced Teachers are contributing Imagine how they grow professionally

28 28 Reinventing Professional Learning Technology is key to reframing the professional learning experience. Seek out your learning experience, no reason to wait.

29 29 Reinventing Professional Learning Learn from blogging educators - edubloggers Learn through virtual events Learn in new social environments - Classroom 2.0 - ISTE Island in Second Life Learning by doing - Join a project - TakingIT Global - iEARN

30 30 What’s next? Reinventing PBL is part of a larger project Ways to continue, expand with your participation: Blog - Join the conversation about PBL worldwide Wiki - Contribute ideas about emerging tools that offer essential learning functions Flickr group - Show what PBL looks like

31 31 Reinventing Professional Learning Q and A We will reply to spillover in the wiki

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