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U.S. 20 Intersection Improvement Project at Waverly Road Porter Town Hall Thursday, January 21, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. 20 Intersection Improvement Project at Waverly Road Porter Town Hall Thursday, January 21, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. 20 Intersection Improvement Project at Waverly Road Porter Town Hall Thursday, January 21, 2016

2 Welcome Rickie Clark, INDOT Office of Public Involvement Purpose/explanation of public meeting Meeting format Visit our sign-in table Project contact list to be developed Informational handouts Project display area

3 Welcome Introduction of INDOT project officials INDOT LaPorte District Office Project Management Design Real Estate Communications & Public Involvement Recognition of elected and local public officials

4 Project Stakeholders Indiana Department of Transportation Indiana Division Federal Highway Administration Porter County Town of Porter Local communities Elected public officials Community residents and citizens Commuters Businesses Trucking industry / freight movement

5 Project selection process Environmental phase begins Purpose & need Develop alternatives Preliminary design phase Environmental document Additional work to finalize project design Real estate acquisition Utilities Coordination Construction Project Development Process Public Information Meeting held on 8-13-15 Formal Public Hearing to present Preferred Alternative 1-21-16

6 Environmental Document Requirement of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Requires INDOT to analyze and evaluate the impacts of a proposed project to the natural and socio- economic environments Impacts are described in environmental document Environmental document released for public involvement December 2015

7 Elements of the Environmental Documentation Real Estate Community Impacts Air Quality Wetlands and Waterways Noise Floodplains Farmland Endangered Species Hazardous Materials Environmental Justice Historic/Archaeological Sole Source Aquifer Cultural Resources Public Involvement Environmental Documentation

8 Environmental Document Purpose and Need Develop a number of possible alternatives The “Do Nothing” alternative is a baseline for comparison Screen alternatives to identify a preferred alternative Solicit public comment on environmental document and preliminary design plan Solicit, address and fully consider public comment as part of decision making process

9 Alternatives Safety MobilityAccess Improving safety may impact access and mobility INDOT is working with community to strike the right balance

10 Alternatives Considered Roundabout Multi-lane roundabout at intersection Meets purpose and need of project Greater impact to the environment Higher cost alternative Proximity of existing interchange at S.R. 49 would need to be modified Determination made to not advance this alternative Do Nothing Maintains existing lane configuration Signal timing could be modified to increase time for left-turn movements Increased signal timing would cause traffic delays on U.S. 20 Determination made to not advance this alternative

11 Preferred Alternative Construction of left turn lanes Eastbound and Westbound U.S. 20 Traffic signal modernization Pavement widening Milling and resurfacing existing pavement Maintaining off-road drainage Project approach work on Waverly Road

12 U.S. 20 at Waverly Road Purpose and Need Enhance safety  Reduce crash rate The purpose of this project is to improve traffic flow and safety:  Add left turn lanes for U.S. 20 eastbound and westbound traffic  Change the traffic signal operation to eliminate split phasing  Provide for future pedestrian / trail signalized crossing  Make modest improvements to corner radii & drive approaches  Maintain existing access while minimizing impacts to existing properties

13 Project Overview Originally constructed in 1931, concrete pavement, 10 ft. wide lanes with 50 ft. R/W each side  Pavement overlaid with Asphalt in 1961. Has been overlaid and widened to 11 ft. wide lanes  Traffic signal installed in 1995  Operates as a split-phased (EB US 20, WB US 20 then Waverly Rd.) signalized arterial intersection  Project includes pavement widening, milling and resurfacing of existing pavement, maintaining off-road drainage

14 Project Overview  Traffic signal will be upgraded, one pole replaced, existing right turn lanes off US 20 and existing Waverly Rd lanes will be maintained  Only approach work on Waverly Rd. The existing horizontal and vertical alignment will be retained  Traffic will be maintained during construction with short term closures of Waverly Rd  Access to local businesses / drives will be provided throughout construction

15 U.S. 20 at Waverly Road Project map and/or aerial

16 U.S. 20 at Waverly Road Typical section

17 U.S. 20 at Waverly Road Maintenance of Traffic Traffic maintained on existing pavement during construction Construction barrels to delineate edge where widening is taking place One lane of traffic may be closed in each direction during construction

18 Real Estate Acquisition Process

19 "Uniform Act of 1970" All federal, state and local governments must comply Requires an offer for just compensation Acquisition Process Appraisals Review appraisals Negotiations

20 Real Estate Acquisition Right-of-way Permanent R/W: approximately 0.7 acre total Commercial Temporary R/W: 0.3 acre Commercial Permanent r/w is land purchased and subsequently owned by INDOT for the purposes of project construction Temporary r/w is land INDOT pays to use for construction purposes and is not owned by INDOT, but rather the property owner

21 Project Schedule Public Hearing - January 2016 Finalize Environmental Document - Winter 2016 Complete project design work – Winter 2016 Real estate acquisition phase - 2016 Construction – Summer 2017

22 Feedback INDOT would like to hear from you Talk with INDOT project team members Comment sheet in information packet E-mail or mail comments to INDOT Sign-in list to be added to project mailing list Visit INDOT LaPorte District page at All comments are very much appreciated and will be reviewed by INDOT

23 Public Involvement Team INDOT LaPorte District Office Communications Division 315 East Boyd Boulevard LaPorte, Indiana 46350 Phone: 1-855-464-6368 E:mail Contact: Doug Moats INDOT Office of Public Involvement, IGCN Room N642 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 232-6601 E:mail Contact: Rickie Clark

24 Submit Public Comments Submit public comments using the options described in first page of information packet: Public Comment Form Via e-mail Participating during public comment session via microphone Verbal comments recorded and transcribed for inclusion into public hearings transcript INDOT respectfully requests comments be submitted by Friday, February 5, 2016. All comments submitted will become part of public record, entered into transcript, reviewed, evaluated and given full consideration during decision making process.

25 Next Steps Public and project stakeholder input Submit comments via options described on page 1 of information packet INDOT review and evaluation All comments are reviewed and given full consideration during decision-making process Address comments, finalize/approve environmental document, complete project design Communicate a decision INDOT will notify project stakeholders of decision Work through local media outlets and paid legal notice Make project documents accessible via repositories Questions? Contact Public Involvement Team

26 Thank You Please visit with INDOT project officials Project Open House Project maps, displays, INDOT project officials and informal Q & A View project documentation on INDOT LaPorte District page

27 Public Comment Session

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