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MARCH 21 United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

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1 MARCH 21 United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

2 March 21, 1960 On March 21, 1960, in Sharpeville, on the outskirts of Johannesburg, South Africa, what began as a peaceful protest by 20,0000 anti-apartheid demonstrators against a law requiring blacks to carry identification papers ended in violence with the death of 69 protestors and injury to 180.

3 1966 In 1966 the United Nations declared March 21 the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in honour of those killed in the “Sharpeville Massacre”.

4 1983 In 1983 the General Assembly of the United Nations called on all states and organizations to participate in a program of action to combat racism and racial discrimination.

5 March 21, 1986 In 1986 the Prime Minister of Canada encouraged Canadians to join together and extend their efforts to “ensure the rapid eradication of racism and racial discrimination and the realization of mutual understanding, respect, equality, and justice for all Canadians”

6 1988 In 1988 Canadian ministers attending a human rights conference agreed to commemorate March 21 in all Canadian jurisdictions beginning in 1989.

7 1989 In 1989 Canada was the first country in the world to hold a national March 21 campaign through the Department of Canadian Heritage which launched a campaign entitled: “Racism. Stop it!”

8 HALTON MULTICULTURAL COUNCIL As a community agency serving the needs of newcomers and refugees arriving in Halton Region from around the world, The Halton Multicultural Council takes special interest to raise awareness of the need to continue our efforts to eliminate racial and all forms of discrimination by offering educational programs, as well as holding and supporting events to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

9 March 21, 2004 As a natural follow-up to the Halton Multicultural Council’s Youth Program for grade 2 and grade 7 students in Halton, this March, in partnership with the Halton District School Board a commemorative event is planned. You are invited!



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