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MNPS Curriculum Maps 8 th grade Mathematics. FYI: The guides were teacher created. The guides are a work in progress; the pacing will remain the same.

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Presentation on theme: "MNPS Curriculum Maps 8 th grade Mathematics. FYI: The guides were teacher created. The guides are a work in progress; the pacing will remain the same."— Presentation transcript:

1 MNPS Curriculum Maps 8 th grade Mathematics

2 FYI: The guides were teacher created. The guides are a work in progress; the pacing will remain the same but activities and resources may be added. Due to the high mobility rate in MNPS, the guides are needed across our district. The chunking and the pacing of the content are required. The resources and activities are only suggested. The guides will not be printed district-wide; only found on the wikispace.

3 General Info: Where can I find the curriculum guide? -Go to this website: -Click 8 th grade (either on the left side or in the box) -The curriculum guides are on the page that comes up

4 Before the Pacing Guide: Essential Questions -overarching questions that the topics should address Essential Questions Major Topics -a year-a-glance view of the units that will be taught and which 9 weeks they will be taught 9 week units

5 The Pacing Guide: Each 9 weeks is broken into units or major topics. Each unit requires between 2 and 4 weeks to teach. Each unit includes: the GLEs, Checks, and SPIs that correlate with it. There are some cases where no SPI is correlated. prerequisite skills, essential questions, and vocabulary suggested resources and assessments that are available for use Each unit fits very well into the Balanced Math set-up. C:\Documents and Settings\kndavis\Desktop\Numeracy Coach\Curriculum Guide- 8th grade\MNPS common pacing- 8th grade math- 2nd 9 Weeks.doc

6 Scavenger Hunt: Questions:

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