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Intelligences, Personality Types, and Learning Styles Chapter 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Intelligences, Personality Types, and Learning Styles Chapter 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intelligences, Personality Types, and Learning Styles Chapter 2

2 What It’s All About  Different intelligences and which ones apply to you  What an emotional quotient is and how it contributes to your life skills  Personality types, analyzing yours and others’  Different learning styles, which one you have, and how it can improve your learning  Left-brained VS right-brained and how that affects your thinking and actions

3 Chapter 2 = Psychology  Chapter 2 is about more scientific ways to learn more about yourself  Psychology = study of human nature  Will look at some theories that, based on years of research, tell us how and why we behave the way that we do  **when you know yourself, you can make choices, decisions and plans that are right for you**  Basically what this careers course is all about!

4 IQ  What’s an IQ test?  Focuses on ability in literacy (language) and numeracy (numbers)  Higher the number, the greater the potential intelligence  Average = 100  IQ = intelligence quotient, a number that decides your intelligence based on a standard test

5 Dr. Howard Gardner  Thought IQ test was too limiting  Thought humans are intelligent in many different areas  Identified seven kinds of intelligence, MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES  Think about the ways that you and others are talented – most likely their “intelligence” includes their talent

6 Musical Intelligence  Based on how musical you are  You respond to rhythm and beat  You may perform vocally/instrumentally  You may compose music

7 Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence  Body Smart  Relates to physical movement  Control of body movements/balance/agility/grace/etc.

8 IntERpersonal Intelligence  People Smart  Person-to-person relationships  Ability to interact with others, understand them, interpret their behaviour  Notice people’s moods, feelings, thoughts without them telling you

9 IntRApersonal Intelligence  Self Smart  How well you understand yourself  Ability to have insight into who you are, what you feel, why you are the way you are  Can lead to high self-esteem and strength of character  solve personal problems

10 Visual-Spatial Intelligence  Picture Smart  Relies on sense of sight and ability to visualize an object  You can create pictures in your head

11 Linguistic Intelligence  Word Smart  Relates to words and language  Written and spoken  You are a highly skilled writer, have a large vocabulary, and speak many languages

12 Logical-Mathematical Intelligence  Logic Smart  Ability to solve logical problems and equations mentally  You are good with numbers and doing calculations

13 Activity  Work through Activities #1-7 on p27-30 in your textbook.  Write down the activity title (i.e.: Music Smart) and the statements that apply to you.  Complete Activity #8 by writing a paragraph that answers the questions (5 sentences).

14 My Intelligences - Results  Music Smart  6  Body Smart  2  People Smart  6  Self Smart  3  Picture Smart  3  Word Smart  3  Logic Smart  6

15 My Intelligences  Music Smart  I have a pleasant singing voice.  I can tell when a musical note is off-key.  I frequently listen to music on the radio, cassettes, or CDs.  I play a musical instrument.  I can easily keep time to a piece of music.  I know the tunes to many songs.

16 My Intelligences  Body Smart  I like working with my hands by doing activities such as sewing, carving, model building.  I frequently use hand gestures or other forms of bodily language when I am talking.  People Smart  My friends come to me for advice.  I prefer team sports instead of solo sports.  When I have a problem, I usually talk to another person about it instead of working it out on my own.  I have three close friends.  I would rather play games like Monopoly with other people instead of watching television or playing computer games by myself.  I would rather spend time with my friends than stay at home.

17 My Intelligences  Self Smart  I like to spend time alone thinking and reflecting about my life.  I like to take quizzes that enable me to learn more about myself.  I keep a personal diary or journal to record my thoughts about what happens to me.  Picture Smart  I often see clear images when I close my eyes.  I enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles, 3D puzzles, and mazes.  I can look at an object one way and imagine what it would look like from a different angle.

18 My Intelligences  Word Smart  Books are very important to me.  I enjoy playing games that involve words.  Others sometimes stop and ask me to explain the meaning of a word I am using.  Logic Smart  I can easily compute numbers in my head.  Math and science are among my favourite subjects in school.  I enjoy playing games or solving brain teasers that require logical thinking.  I am good with computers and enjoy working on them.  I can easily see numerical patterns.  I like to put things in order.

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