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Practical Strategies for Adding Interest TIP: Complete the activities in New to PowerPoint to learn the basics before beginning.

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Presentation on theme: "Practical Strategies for Adding Interest TIP: Complete the activities in New to PowerPoint to learn the basics before beginning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical Strategies for Adding Interest TIP: Complete the activities in New to PowerPoint to learn the basics before beginning.

2 1.Content Tips 2.Slide Sorter View 3.Bullets – Change 4.Format Painter 5.Animate Text 6.Add Slide Transitions 7.Insert a YouTube Video 8.Add Website Links 9.Layers 10.Grouping 11.Convert Bulleted Text to SmartArt 12.Modify SmartArt graphicObjectives Optional during face-to-face training. Please try these on your own.

3 Each slide in this presentation will help you learn to use a feature of PowerPoint. View this presentation in Normal view. Below each slide are notes and instructions to guide you. Using the notes and instructions, edit each slide to complete each task. 1-Start Here How to Use this on Your Own 2- On each slide the notes and instructions for you to follow will be found here.

4 Content Tips  Focus/direct attention to one concept/term  Brevity – use keywords, NOT every word  Use the Notes feature for lengthy text  Use relevant images, diagrams, charts, & media

5 SmartArt Graphics step one step two step three step four step one step two step three step four

6 YouTube

7 What types of help can your students get? Library Research Technical help for projects and presentations Technology Equipment checkout – headsets with built-in microphones – video cameras – digital still camera – audio recorder – and more….

8 Formatting Simplified EngagingRelevant!  Authentic A Safe place to fail A place and time to try to apply new knowledge Text formatting can be copied and “painted.” Try copying formats from the left column to this column. Here’s more text to experiment with while painting a format.

9 Formatting Simplified Cons Pros

10 Bulleted lists may be animated so they appear one line (paragraph) at a time.  Introductions  Review Syllabus  Explore Canvas site  Ask Questions

11 Bulleted lists may be animated to appear one line (paragraph) at a time – including in reverse order.  Self-actualization  Esteem  Love/Belonging  Safety  Physiological

12 Before

13 After

14 What Teachers Make

15 Becoming a Better Listener 1.Focus on one conversation at a time. 2.Take 10 minutes, shut off all ambient noise, especially your phone. 3.Practice turning off your inner voice. 4.Summarize and repeat chunks of what you heard. 5.Ask questions. 6.Take notes to help retention. Source:

16 Map of Egypt

17 Evolution of the Earth’s surface What happens, geologically, when a volcano erupts? Can a volcano stay dormant forever? What happens, geologically, when a volcano erupts? Can a volcano stay dormant forever?

18 Biomes in North America A B C Do you think that the Biome edges A, B, or C have a good chance of changing in the next twenty years? Why?

19 Bloom’s Taxonomy Create Evaluate Analyze Apply Understand Knowledge

20 Bloom’s Taxonomy

21 Lights! Camera! Action!

22 Questions? Email Or visit our wiki at

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