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UNIT - I Introduction to Multimedia. What is Multimedia? Derived from the word “Multi” and “Media” Multi Many, Multiple Media Tools that is used to represent.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT - I Introduction to Multimedia. What is Multimedia? Derived from the word “Multi” and “Media” Multi Many, Multiple Media Tools that is used to represent."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT - I Introduction to Multimedia

2 What is Multimedia? Derived from the word “Multi” and “Media” Multi Many, Multiple Media Tools that is used to represent or do a certain things, delivery medium, a form of mass communication – newspaper, magazine / tv. Distribution tool & information presentation – text, graphic, voice, images, music and etc.

3 Definition of Multimedia Multimedia is a combination of text, graphic, sound, animation, and video that is delivered interactively to the user by electronic or digitally manipulated means. TEXT AUDIO GRAPHIC VIDEO ANIMATION

4 Definition of Multimedia System A Multimedia System is a system capable of processing multimedia data and applications. It is characterized by the processing, storage, generation and manipulation of Multimedia information.

5 Characteristics of a Multimedia Systems A Multimedia systems has four basic characteristics Multimedia systems must be computer controlled Multimedia systems are integrated. The information they handle must be represented digitally The interface to the final presentation of media is usually interactive

6 Computer Controlled Producing the content of the information using the authoring tools, image editor, sound and video editor  Storing the information – providing large and shared capacity for multimedia information Transmitting the information – through the network Presenting the information to the end user – make direct use of computer peripheral such as display device (monitor) or sound generator (speaker)

7 Integrated All multimedia components (audio, video, text, graphics) used in the system must be somehow integrated. Every device, such as microphone and camera is connected to and controlled by a single computer A single type of digital storage is used for all media type Video sequences are shown on computer screen instead of TV monitor

8 Interactivity Level1:Interactivity strictly on information delivery. Users select the time at which the presentation starts, the order, the speed and the form of the presentation itself Level 2 : Users can modify or enrich the content of the information, and this modification is recorded Level 3:Actual processing of users input and the computer generate genuine result based on the users input

9 Digitally Represented Digitization : process involved in transforming an analog signal to digital signal

10 Multimedia Building Blocks Multimedia is a combination of various elements, such as text, images, video, sound, and animation. Interactive multimedia allows the user to control what and when the elements are delivered With the rapid changes in the field of technology, the interactive multimedia has become increasingly popular in education, business, entertainment, and public places. Has the capability of incorporating various media from text to graphics and from video to sound, is a new way to present information.

11 Using Text in Multimedia: Text is an essential aspect of presenting the information. Like each element of the multimedia design, effective use of text can either direct users/readers attention or divert it.

12 Using Sound in Multimedia: Sound is one of the most powerful elements of interactive multimedia presentation. How you use the power of sound, either linking text or image with sound, can enhance the multimedia presentation. For any computer application, such as Web pages, audio resources need to be digitized. There are some important considerations in order to do that: quality, file formats, and file size considerations; digitizing process; and understanding constraints and limitations.

13 Using Images in Multimedia: Graphics are the visual elements that make up a multimedia screen. The images, such as pictures, clip art, 3-D graphics are widely used in designing for both multimedia and the Web. Hence,

14 Using Animations in Multimedia: Using Video in Multimedia: Carefully planned and high-quality video in which one can perceive text (title), image, animation, and sound all together can make an amazing difference in an interactive multimedia product. With the digital video technology we can use the power of video for multimedia and Web delivery.

15 Elements of Multimedia TEXT AUDIO GRAPHIC VIDEO ANIMATION A broad term for something that contains words to express something. Text is the most basic element of multimedia. A good choice of words could help convey the intended message to the users (keywords). Used in contents, menus, navigational buttons

16 Elements of Multimedia TEXT AUDIO GRAPHIC VIDEO ANIMATION Example

17 Elements of Multimedia GRAPHIC TEXT AUDIO GRAPHIC VIDEO ANIMATION Two-dimensional figure or illustration Could be produced manually (by drawing, painting, carving, etc.) or by computer graphics technology. Used in multimedia to show more clearly what a particular information is all about (diagrams, picture).


19 Elements of Multimedia AUDIO TEXT AUDIO GRAPHIC VIDEO ANIMATION Produced by vibration, as perceived by the sense of hearing. In multimedia, audio could come in the form of speech, sound effects and also music score.


21 Elements of Multimedia ANIMATION TEXT AUDIO GRAPHIC VIDEO ANIMATION The illusion of motion created by the consecutive display of images of static elements. In multimedia, animation is used to further enhance / enriched the experience of the user to further understand the information conveyed to them.


23 Elements of Multimedia VIDEO TEXT AUDIO GRAPHIC VIDEO ANIMATION Is the technology of capturing, recording, processing, transmitting, and reconstructing moving pictures. Video is more towards photo realistic image sequence / live recording as in comparison to animation. Video also takes a lot of storage space. So plan carefully before you are going to use it.

24 Interactive Multimedia When the user is given the option of controlling the elements. Hyper Media A combination of hypertext, graphics, audio, video, (linked elements) and interactivity culminating in a complete, non-linear computer-based experience.

25 Example Interactive Multimedia

26 Example Hyper Media Main Page 1.Video link 2.Image link 3.Audio Link

27 Linear VS Non-Linear A Multimedia Project is identified as Linear when: It is not interactive User have no control over the content that is being showed to them. Example: A movie A non-interactive lecture / demo show LINEAR

28 Linear VS Non-Linear A Multimedia Project is identified as Non-Linear when: It is interactive Users have control over the content that is being showed to them. Users are given navigational control Example: Games Courseware Interactive CD NON-LINEAR

29 Authoring Tools Use to merge multimedia elements (text, audio, graphic, animation, video) into a project. Designed to manage individual multimedia elements and provide user interaction (if required).

30 Importance of Multimedia There are a number of fields where multimedia could be of use. Examples are:- Business Education Entertainment Home Public Places

31 Importance of Multimedia Business Use and Applications Sales / Marketing Presentation Trade show production Staff Training Application

32 Importance of Multimedia Education Use and Applications Courseware / Simulations E-Learning / Distance Learning Information Searching

33 Importance of Multimedia Entertainment Use and Applications Games (Leisure / Educational) Movies Video on Demand Online

34 Importance of Multimedia Home Use and Applications Television Satellite TV SMS services (chats, voting, reality TV)

35 Importance of Multimedia Public Places Use and Applications Information Kiosk Smart Cards, Security

36 Multimedia Software Tools

37 The basic tool set for building a multimedia project can be divided into five categories: Painting and Drawing Tools 3-D Modeling and animation tools Image editing tools Sound editing tools Animation Video Digital Movie tools

38 Painting and Drawing Tools Painting and drawing tools generally come with a graphical user interface with pull down menus for quick selection. You can create almost all kinds of possible shapes and resize them. Drawing file can be imported or exported in many image formats like.gif,.tif,.jpg,.bmp, tec. A good drawing software – “Corel Draw”

39 3D Modeling tools Realism means that you depict things in the way they actually are. It tools the objects that appear in perception in your project can look realistic. These tools offer features like multiple windows to view your design in each dimension. Tools provide drag and drop menu. A good 3D modeling tool is “3D Studio Max”.

40 Image editing tools These tools are used to edit existing bitmap images and pictures. They are similar to painting and drawing tools as they can also create images from scratch. It is also capable of converting the image data type file format. It is used usually for reinventing and recreating the image. Image process software – Adobe Photoshop & Paint Shop pro.

41 Sound editing tools Sound editing tools let you hear sound as well as visualize it. You can cut/copy and paste sound edit it with great accuracy. You can integrate sound into your multimedia project very easily by using sound editing tools. A good sound editing software is “Cool Edit” and “Sound Forge”.

42 Animation, Video and digital movies editing tools Animations are graphic scenes played back sequentially and rapidly. These tools enable you to edit and assemble video clips captured from camera, animations and other sources. The completed clip with added transition and visual effects could be played back. Adobe Premiere and Media Shop Pro are two good example of these tools.

43 Choosing Software Usability Should have a capability to deal with a variety of text, images video and sound formats with precision and ease. Animations Should have wide ranging capabilities in terms of interactive simulations, media support, animated buttons, illustrations,maps,etc.

44 Choosing Software Smoothness Should have anti-aliasing feature, meaning that all letter and image edges are smooth. Integration Should have integration capabilities with a wide range of software used for different jobs like Real, ActiveX, Shockwave, Flash, QuickTime, Photoshop and other applications.

45 Choosing Software Delivery – Should be able to develop one piece of content for delivery on different media types. User friendliness – Should be the easiest, most versatile, and have the most pre-built models.

46 Distributed mu ltimedia Systems Distributed Multimedia Systems

47 What is Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMMS)? Distributed multimedia systems consist of multimedia databases, proxy and information servers, and clients, and are intended to for the distribution of multimedia content over the networks.

48 DMMS A simple architecture of DMMS

49 Multimedia Requirements The advent of multimedia has largely divert the computing process in the distributed system This necessitated to have new requirements on such system:

50 Multimedia Requirements Providing support for continuous media types, such as audio, video and animation. The introduction of such continuous media data to distributed systems demands the need for continuous data transfers over relatively long periods of time. High bandwidth is required.

51 Multimedia Requirements The second requirement of distributed multimedia applications is the need for sophisticated quality of service (QoS) management. Ensuring that the service requests should be met. Supporting multiparty communications. Many distributed multimedia applications are concerned with interactions between dispersed groups of users. E.g. remote conference application.

52 DMMS and Client Tools A decade ago, networked multimedia systems were capable of supporting mostly devices like Personal computers and/or a small LAN set-up. Then the coming of modern wireless technology change the way multimedia rendering. Increase the volume of traffic due to transfer of simple media clips, images, text massages to long duration data.

53 DMMS and Client Tools The modern day DMMS extends to entertainment in the form of games and casinos on networks. The resources needed for DMMS would include: Adequate number of copies of movies at the multimedia databases (MMDs), Adequate bandwidth of the network to support media streams

54 Key Technologies and Solutions in the Design of a DMMS Key challenges in attaining good design is on managing resources. For instance owing to high-bandwidth availability, several applications become plausible for users that will enforce a continuous work pressure on the media servers on the network. Key issues for designing good DMMS solutions:

55 Major Service Categories: Video-On-Demand (VoD) versus Video-On-Reservation(VoR): VoD is certainly an attractive technology in rendering digital video libraries, distance learning, electronic commerce, etc, as Users can request the service any time and from anywhere and, Service allows users to have a complete control of the presentation.

56 Video-On-Reservation(VoR) Contrary to VoD, when users reserve for a movie presentation in advance, VoD manifests in the form of VoR. Under VoR service, system is shown to utilize resources in an optimal manner as user viewing times are known in advance. Perhaps VoR is better suited for pay-per- view by SPs for digital TV subscribers.

57 Caching in DMMS Caching is one of the inevitable and powerful solution approaches that influence almost every performance metric under consideration. Caching allows nodes to quickly fetch the required documents without incurring the need to contact the original host.

58 58

59 Objectives How multimedia products are created and authored. What kinds of multimedia authoring tools you have to choose from to suit your project needs. How various multimedia authoring tools work.

60 What is an Authoring Tools The tools by which various media components are brought together (integrated) into a structure and flow.

61 Authoring Metaphors Most media integration tools will take or use one of the following metaphors: a)Movie screen metaphor b)Slide show metaphor c)Linked screens

62 Authoring Metaphors a)Movie screen metaphor Movie refers to the product of the authoring: Linear/Interactive movie Also refers to authoring tools paradigm that contains Cast/Score/Scripting Stage Cast Score

63 Authoring Metaphors b)Slide show metaphor A linear presentation Example: Powerpoint

64 Authoring Metaphors c)Linked Screens A group of scene linked together

65 Features of Authoring Tools Most Authoring tool have the following features in their development interface: 1. A list of media events 2. Iconic flowchart / timeline 3. Card stack 4. A series of figures

66 1. A list of media events Occurrences of scene, images, sound,action in the end product. Features of Authoring Tools

67 2. Iconic flowchart / timeline Controls event sequence. Features of Authoring Tools

68 3. Card stack (tabs) Easy viewing if there is too many item on screen. Card stack Features of Authoring Tools

69 4. A series of figures List of images / objects in the project Information about objects figures Features of Authoring Tools

70 Categories of Authoring Tools Can be categorized into 1.Presentation software 2.Tools for creating production 3.Interactive training and education Some authoring tools can fit into more than one category.

71 1. Presentation software Enable users to create and deliver business presentations in the form of the slide show. Each major heading is the beginning of a new slide. heading

72 1. Presentation software Templates are used to determine how the heads and subheads are formatted and displayed over backgrounds, including: (etc PowerPoint) position size font style color

73 Example: PowerPoint Interface templates Style and format

74 2. Tools for creating production Typically oriented toward producing content that is more ambitious than the slide-show level (more interactive & dynamic) Usually integrate all types of' multimedia data into a multitrack timeline that determines the evolution of events Interactivity takes the form of conditional branching (multiple linking) that can make navigation decisions based on user input and other conditions Production software creates dynamic content

75 3. Interactive training and education tools To create education or training content. Designed primarily to present information in an Interactive book. Multimedia-oriented programming languages such as Visual Basic represent another authoring alternative. Offers the higher flexibility, performance speed and power Example: Macromedia Flash, Authorware & Director

76 Flash Interface

77 Director Interface

78 Authorware Interface

79 Types of Authoring Tools 1. Card based 2. Icon based 3. Time based 4. Object based

80 1. Card Based Cards are developed that have different elements associated with them. Cards are put in stack. Cards or pages combine to make up a book. example of authoring tools HyperCard (Mac) ToolBook (Mac / Windows)

81 2. Icon Based Icons are gathered along the line. Provide visual development. Flow chart is created to show the organisation of icons or elements: including activity list, results and done with dragging the icon/elements along the lines each Icon represents a particular event – button, graphics, text, video examples of authoring tools Authorware(Mac/Windows) IconAuthor (Windows)

82 2. Icon Based

83 3. Time Based The most popular used. Using “timeline” for organizing activities Also using “framing” – timely adjusted depending on the frame size Example:- Macromedia Director / Flash (Mac/Windows)

84 3. Time Based Macromedia Director Macromedia Flash

85 4. Object Based Support environment based on object. Every object is modified using properties & modifiers The environment is based on ‘Hierarchy’ (section and sub-section). Examples of the tools : mTropolis (Mac/Windows) AppleMedia Tool (Mac/Windows) MediaForge (Windows)

86 4. Object Based

87 Authoring Capabilities Authoring tools should possess the following capabilities: 1.Interactivity 2.Playback 3.Editing 4.Programming / Scripting 5.Cross Platform 6.Internet Playability

88 Authoring Capabilities 1.Interactivity Simple Branching Ability to jump to any part of the product Eg:- by mouse click, keyboard input Conditional Branching Ability to jump to any part of products if agreed to certain condition (statement IF-THEN) Structured Language complex programming to enable the interactivity and navigation

89 Authoring Capabilities 2. Playback Ability to see and to test the ongoing or the completed project. Playback (timeline / movie tester)

90 Distribution / Delivery 3. Distribution / Delivery Able to create a ‘RUN TIME’ mode. This will exclude the need of the authoring tools during execution.

91 Authoring Capabilities 4. Editing generally, authoring tools are capable on text and image editing capable on doing other editing too, depending on the software used Editing

92 Flowcharting / Storyboarding 5. Project Organization FLOWCHARTING and STORYBOARDING availability this will help on configuring interactivity

93 Authoring Capabilities 6. Programming Programming used for flexibility. Authoring tools offers an easier and less time consuming to develop:- Visual Programming - Using icon, button, drag & drop graphic, audio. Eg: Authorware Scripting - programming language for authoring tools. Eg: Director = LINGO, Flash = ActionScript Support basic programming language - C, BASIC to make it more flexible Document Development Tools Authoring tools that able to merge documents, indexing, search engine and linking

94 Authoring Capabilities // Part 1 -- Setting up the objects var board:Sprite = new Sprite(); var myPoint:Sprite = new Sprite(); this.addChild(board); board.addChild(myPoint);,0); board.x = 10; board.y = 10;,0); myPoint.y = 50; // Part 2 -- Add drag-and-drop functionality myPoint.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOW N, startMove); function startMove(evt:MouseEvent):void { myPoint.startDrag(); } myPoint.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopMove); function stopMove(e:MouseEvent):void { myPoint.stopDrag(); }

95 Programming

96 Html code: The content of the body element is displayed in your browser. Result: The content of the body element is displayed in your browser. Authoring Capabilities

97 7. Cross Platform Ability to perform on all platforms including MAC and Windows. Cross Platform

98 Internet Playability 8. Internet Playability Ability to create the output for web enabled application. Eg:- HTML

99 Text

100 Table of Content 1. Introduction of text. 2. Text elements. 3. Types of text.

101 Introduction Text is obviously the simplest of data types and requires the least amount of storage. Text in the form of words, sentences, and paragraphs is used to communicate thoughts, ideas, and facts in daily life. Text may not be as visually exciting as some of the other media types, but it often conveys essential and precise information.

102 …continued Multimedia applications depend on text for many things including: - Page titles - Delivering information in form of multiple sentences / paragraphs - Labels for pictures - Instructions for operating the application Text is probably the most common form of information delivery.

103 Text elements Alphabet characters A – Z and a – z Numbers 0 – 9 Special characters - Punctuation (., ; “ ‘ ! : - /) - Signs ($ + - = @ # % ^ & *)

104 Obtaining Text Text can be captured in following ways: Keyboard Mouse Scanner (OCR) – Optical Character Recognization* * designed to translate images of handwritten or typewritten text (usually captured by a scanner) into machine-editable text.

105 Types of Text Unformatted text (Plaintext) comprise strings of fixed-sized characters from a limited character set. Formatted text (Richtext) comprise strings of characters of different styles, size and shape together with tables, graphics and image inserted at appropriate point. Example: Rich Text Format (RTF), HTML,.doc

106 Types of Text Hypertext It enables the integrated set of documents (each comprising formatted text) to be created which have defined linkages between them.

107 Basic ASCII character set This is a set of characters that are available in the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) character set. This is one of the most widely used character sets and the table includes the binary codeword used to represent each character. Unformatted Text

108 ASCII Code Each character is represented by a unique 7-bit binary codeword, meaning that there are 128 (2 7 ) alternative characters. In addition to all normal alphabetic, numeric and punctuation characters, the total ASCII character set also includes control characters such as BS (backspace), DEL (delete), etc.

109 …continued Extended Character Set (ISO Latin-1) Extra 1 bit in ASCII is filled with ANSI (American National Standards Institution) characters (256 characters) Unicode Unicode is the universal standard for multi language characters published by Unicode Consortium. Unicode 4.0 standard covers 96,382 characters using 16 bits uniform encoding. Unicode can support a wide variety of non-Roman alphabets including Han Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Korean, Bengali, and so on. ﺍﺏﺙﺚﺝﺡﺥ αβγδεζ Unicode Characters ¢  ä ü Extended Characters

110 Formatted Text An example of formatted text is that produced by most word processing packages. It enables documents to be created that consist of characters of different styles and variable size and shape, each of which can be plain, bold, or italicized. In addition, a variety of document formatting options are supported to enable an author to structure a document into chapters, sections and paragraphs, each of which with different headings and with tables, graphics and pictures inserted at appropriate points.

111 Hypertext Figure 2.3. Example of an electronic Document written in hypertext Hypertext is a type of formatted text that enables a related set of documents, normally referred to as pages, to be created which have defined linkage points, referred to as hyperlinks, between each other.

112 Why Compress? To reduce the volume of data to be transmitted (text, fax, images) To reduce the bandwidth required for transmission and to reduce storage requirements (speech, audio, video)

113 Compression How is compression possible? Redundancy in digital audio, image, and video data Properties of human perception Digital audio is a series of sample values; image is a rectangular array of pixel values; video is a sequence of images played out at a certain rate Neighboring sample values are correlated

114 Redundancy Adjacent audio samples are similar (predictive encoding); samples corresponding to silence (silence removal) In digital image, neighboring samples on a scanning line are normally similar (spatial redundancy) In digital video, in addition to spatial redundancy, neighboring images in a video sequence may be similar (temporal redundancy)

115 Human Perception Factors Compressed version of digital audio, image, video need not represent the original information exactly Perception sensitivities are different for different signal patterns Human eye is less sensitive to the higher spatial frequency components than the lower frequencies (transform coding)

116 Classification Lossless compression lossless compression for legal and medical documents, computer programs exploit only data redundancy Lossy compression digital audio, image, video where some errors or loss can be tolerated exploit both data redundancy and human perception properties Constant bit rate versus variable bit rate coding

117 Entropy Amount of information I in a symbol of occurring probability p : I = log 2 (1/p) Symbols that occur rarely convey a large amount of information Average information per symbol is called entropy H H = p i x log 2 (1/p i ) bits per codeword Average number of bits per codeword = N i p i where N i is the number of bits for the symbol generated by the encoding algorithm

118 Huffman Coding Assigns fewer bits to symbols that appear more often and more bits to the symbols that appear less often Efficient when occurrence probabilities vary widely Huffman codebook from the set of symbols and their occurring probabilities Two properties: generate compact codes prefix property

119 Run-length Coding Repeated occurrence of the same character is called a run Number of repetition is called the length of the run Run of any length is represented by three characters eeeeeee7tnnnnnnnn @e7t@n8

120 Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) Coding Works by building a dictionary of phrases from the input stream A token or an index is used to identify each distinct phrase Number of entries in the dictionary determines the number of bits required for the index -- a dictionary with 25,000 words requires 15 bits to encode the index

121 Arithmetic Coding String of characters with occurrence probabilities make up a message A complete message may be fragmented into multiple smaller strings A codeword corresponding to each string is found separately

122 Summary Statistical encoding exploits the fact that not all symbols in the source information occur with equal probability Variable length codewords are used with the shortest ones used to encode symbols that occur most frequently Static coding -- text type is pre-defined and codewords are derived once and used for all subsequent transfers Dynamic coding -- type of text may vary from one transfer to another and same set of codewords are generated at the transmitter and the receiver as the transfer takes place

123 123 3.3.4 Lemple-Ziv coding 123 3.3.4 Lemple-Ziv coding A table containing all the possible character strings The encoder sends only the index of where the word is stored in the table and, on receipt of each index, the decoder uses this to access the corresponding word/string of characters from the table Dictionary-based compression algorithm

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