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Miss Wang 马戏团 Ticket (门票) Sharp eyes Find and say P29.

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Wang 马戏团 Ticket (门票) Sharp eyes Find and say P29."— Presentation transcript:


2 Miss Wang 马戏团

3 Ticket (门票)


5 Sharp eyes

6 Find and say P29

7 Aa Aa ant apple b aa Bb Bb book bag Cc Cc cat crayon Dd Dd dog duck a bb c cc d d d

8 Ticket





13 Ee elephant egg An elephant has an egg e ee ee ee

14 foot face

15 foot face + f foot oot + f = ace =

16 Ff face foot I have a red face and a blue foot. f ff ff ff

17 gift green

18 gift green = reen + g gift = ift + g green

19 Gg green gift I have a green gift. g g g gg gg

20 hand hihi

21 hihi = and + h hi = i + h

22 Hh hi hand Joe says hi with his hand. h h h hh hh

23 ice cream ice

24 ice cream ice

25 Ii ice cream ice Joe brings us an ice and an ice cream. i i i ii ii

26 Ee Ee elephant egg f ee Ff Ff face foot Gg Gg green gift Hh Hh hi hand e ff hhh i i i Ii Ii ice cream ice ggg

27 Listen repeat and chant!

28 Do you want the gift?

29 ag f he i

30 Let ’ s read h andf gbdc ace

31 If you hear …… If you hear “ h ” please stand up. If you hear “ f ” please stand up. If you hear “ g ” please stand up. If you hear “ i ” please stand up. If you hear “ e ” please stand up

32 Listen and circle 1. f g 2. h f 3. b h 4. d g 5. c i 6. e a

33 Your gift!

34 1. 听 读 唱 课本 P26 2. 完成同步 P25



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