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Norfolk’s LAA and the third sector Claire Collen LAA Co-ordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Norfolk’s LAA and the third sector Claire Collen LAA Co-ordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Norfolk’s LAA and the third sector Claire Collen LAA Co-ordinator

2 2 LAA – a gateway for the third sector?  Demonstrate role and potential  Opportunity to influence  Opportunity to advocate  Opportunity to ‘do different’  Opportunity to collaborate  Access resources

3 3 Norfolk’s LAA Engagement Project  Sector Counts Research (Spring 2006)  Sitting at the right strategic tables  Establish LAA Engagement Project (Winter 2006) Dedicated 3-year Co-ordinator (2HCT) Sector LAA Reference Group

4 4 LAA Reference Group  Strategic body co-ordinating 3 rd sector engagement  CEOs from 3 rd sector service providers & infrastructure bodies (general & specialist)  Backfill participation costs  Hosted by Voluntary Norfolk (lead body)

5 5 LAA Co-ordinator  Member LAA Team  Member Norfolk Action Team (LAA operational/pm/strategic cross- agency)  Establish network of 3 rd sector leads & contacts  Wider sector communication

6 6 Examples of work to date  Sector priorities for the LAA (Conference, Oct 07)  Ensure 3 rd sector included in LAA criteria checklist question in Action Plans funding criteria  Capacity building 3 rd sector networks (mental health, carers)

7 7 Examples of work to date  Public Services Development Project  Third Sector Commissioning Guide  Involving sector in Indicator Action Planning Mental health Accessing services

8 8 Example - Joint work with Adult Social Services  Individual Budgets 3 rd sector Conference  Sector capacity needs (negotiations for ‘personalisation posts’)  LAA Indicators: People receiving self-directed support (NI 130) Supporting Carers (NI 135) Vulnerable people achieving independent living (NI 136) Contributing to thriving third sector & Advice & Advocacy

9 9 Next steps … delivering against LAA targets  Ensure continuation of LAA engagement project (NI 7)  Volunteer Diversity Working Group (NI 6)  Advice & Advocacy Working Group (local)  Mental Health (local)

10 10 Next challenges  Influencing – at all levels (3 rd sector forums & networks to operational & strategic partnerships)  Increase levels of understanding of role & contribution (both ways)  Apply Third Sector Commissioning Guide to LAA  Access to funding – the gateway into mainstreaming?

11 Thank you 01603 883840

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