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Printmaking Terms and Techniques. Printmaking Vocabulary Relief print - Any print in which the image is printed from the raised portions of the printing.

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Presentation on theme: "Printmaking Terms and Techniques. Printmaking Vocabulary Relief print - Any print in which the image is printed from the raised portions of the printing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Printmaking Terms and Techniques

2 Printmaking Vocabulary Relief print - Any print in which the image is printed from the raised portions of the printing block. - The most common relief prints are woodcuts and linoleum prints. Edition - An edition of a print includes all the prints created at one time. The proof is the very first print (usually the artist keeps this 1st print) and it is not numbered as part of the edition.

3 Printmaking Vocabulary Block – the support for a relief carving from which the print is created. Linoleum - can also be considered a block, and is carved using tools to create a raised surface. Block Prints -prints made from a cut chunk of wood, linoleum, rubber, cardboard, glue or foam – anything that makes a change in the surface plane (relief).

4 Gouge – a tool used for carving and cutting into a relief plate Blade – the sharp metal cutter portion of the gouge, with differing shapes that cut differing widths Bench Hook – a metal, bent plate used to hold the linoleum while cutting. (protects table & hands)

5 Brayer (2 types) soft brayer- an art tool for spreading, and applying ink to relief block hard brayer - an art tool for transferring ink from block to paper Inking Plate -a metal surface to spread ink for printing. (We use a cookie sheet) Block Printing Ink –water-based, thick and tacky ink

6 Burnishing - Using the HARD Brayer to make an even impression of ink on the paper. Registration - The lining up of the results of each step in a multi-step printmaking process - results in the various parts of an image being in their proper place

7 Logo Stamps Your Assignment: –Choose a simple logo with as little text as possible. –TEXT MUST BE CARVED BACKWARDS IN ORDER TO PRINT FORWARDS! –Think carefully about your design choice as you will use this image in your mixed media piece. –Draw and cut out the linoleum –Print 2 copies of your stamp design. –Mount 1 on colored paper and sign correctly Sign the other print and turn in both.

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