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Anatomy and Physiology Cell Transport. Types of Transport Diffusion Characteristics –Particles move from an area of high concentration to an area of low.

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomy and Physiology Cell Transport. Types of Transport Diffusion Characteristics –Particles move from an area of high concentration to an area of low."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomy and Physiology Cell Transport

2 Types of Transport Diffusion Characteristics –Particles move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. –Moves “down” or “with” the concentration gradient. –Does not require energy.

3 Types of Transport Factors effecting the rate of diffusion –Temperature –Temperature - as temperature increases, rate of diffusion increases. –Pressure –Pressure - as pressure increases, rate of diffusion increases. –Steepness of the concentration gradient - –Steepness of the concentration gradient - the steeper the gradient, the faster the rate of diffusion.

4 Types of Transport Diffusion will continue until dynamic equilibrium is reached. Dynamic equilibrium -Dynamic equilibrium - continuous movement of particles, but no overall concentration change. (Everything is equally distributed).

5 Type of Transport Osmosis Characteristics –Movement of water across a cell membrane. –Cell has no control over movement of water. It continues to move until [inside] = [outside]. [ ] =concentration

6 Osmosis - Types of Solutions Isotonic [water inside] = [water outside] Dynamic equilibrium reached immediately. Normal Red blood cells

7 Osmosis - Types of Solutions Hypotonic [water inside] < [water outside] Solutes are higher inside the cell. Water flows in, cell swells. Cell could burst if water flow continues. Swollen red blood cells

8 Osmosis - Types of Solutions Hypertonic [water inside] > [water outside]. Solutes are higher outside the cell. Water leaves the cell, cell shrinks. Dehydrated red blood cells

9 Types of transport Passive vs. Active Transport Passive - no energy required Active - energy required

10 Types of Transport Passive TransportPassive Transport –Movement across a membrane by diffusion. –Facilitated diffusion - moves down the concentration gradient with the aid of a protein molecule. Most glucose moves this way

11 Types of Transport Active TransportActive Transport –moves from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration. –Moves up or against the concentration gradient. –Glucose moving from blood stream into liver for storage.

12 Types of Transport Bulk TransportBulk Transport –Moving large particles across the cell membrane. –Endocytosis - movement into the cell –Exocytosis - movement out of the cell

13 Bulk Transport Endocytosis - 2 types –Pinocytosis- bulk transport of liquids into the cell. –Phagocytosis- “cell eating”- bulk transport of solids into the cell.

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