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Running the race of life for god.

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Presentation on theme: "Running the race of life for god."— Presentation transcript:

1 Running the race of life for god.
Hebrews 11:39 – 12:3

2 What motivates us to enter the “race” for God?
Hebrews 11:39. To please God (the favor of God): Galatians 1:10, Phil 3:10-12; Matt 25:21 Christ endured for me. 12:3 Others have entered. We race with them. “Coaches,” encouragers. Loved ones, friends, in Christ.

3 Witnesses vs bystanders?
Bystander – uninterested, watches only; Witness: Run themselves; Run to win for Christ; 1 Cor 9:24 Different gifts joined. Team sport. Unity vs the right way.

4 How am I to run the race? God has already set “my course”;
12:1; the Word is “how to” manual. God’s course or our own? Luke 9:23-25, 14:26; Matt 11:28-29 Serving, leading, honoring, feeding.

5 How am I to run the race? Lay aside encumbrances (everything that hinders) and entanglements (prevents or retards running): The resolving of losses, disappoints. Repenting of sins. Excess weight – juggler at marathon Attainments, successes. Phil 3:12-14

6 Consider 2013: What would you bring with you into 2014? What would you put behind you? Health, finances, spiritual, work, marriage, family, school? Examine your life: 1 Cor 11:28, Gal 6:4

7 How am I to run the race? Fixing (“aphorao”) your eyes on Jesus:
Strictly looking away from all things but one; exclusive viewing; giving attention to one thing. For me: feeding; loving; and leading.

8 How am I to run the race? Run with endurance (“hupo-meno”) – steadfast, “tarry behind” in something: Implies stress, opposition, temptation to give up and give in; If no adversity then are we in the race at all? One step at a time; one goal at a time.

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