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Welcome to English II & III! MS. ASHLEY DRAGER S.US (502) 485-8275

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2 Key Standards  Key Standards are essential skills that determine if a student is prepared for the next grade level.  In English class, Key Standards are grounded in five elements.  Reading  Writing  Grammar  Language  Speaking and Listening

3 Grading : Formative assessments are intended to track progress toward mastery of the standards. Examples include: Homework, writing processes, informal journal entries, quizzes, note taking, story cards, group work, Socratic Circles, etc. Summative assessments will carry the weight of the grade. Examples include: Final writing pieces, formal journal entries, proficiency tests, vocabulary tests, unit exams, projects, etc. Level 10 Point Scale Formative 100 Point Scale Summative Remediate and Reassess Distinguished + 10.0100Not Required Distinguished 9.6 96Not Required Proficient + 9.292Encouraged Proficient 8.989Encouraged Apprentice + 8.484Required Apprentice 8.282Required Novice + 7.676Required Novice 7.474Required Incorrect 6.060Required Missing 00Required

4 Key Standards Chart  Please refer to the Key Standards list.  The daily Learning Targets are like stepping stones leading up to master each Key Standard.  Each student has a copy of these standards in the syllabus in their binder.  We will begin reflecting on the Key Standards periodically to ensure that all students know where they are with each Key Standard.

5 Remediation  If a student does not meet a Key Standard, they will need to remediate that standard.  Remediation is held on Wednesdays from 2:30-3:20  AP students can make an appointment to meet with me at any time. Think of it like “office hours” in college.  Each session is geared towards a specific Key Standard.  Once a Key Standard is remediated, the students will receive credit for that standard.  All formative work (classwork, homework, drafts of essays practice, etc.) must be completed before a student is allowed to retest or remediate a summative assignment.

6 Class Structure  Journal Entry and/or Independent Reading (daily)  Vocabulary: homework and quizzes(weekly)  Grammar practice and quizzes (weekly)  AP students will have grammar incorporated into the curriculum but do not have organized weekly grammar practice and quizzes.  Writing Pieces (at least one per unit)  Diagnostic and Proficiency tests (every 6 weeks)  Group discussions  Whole class novel reading as well as a collection of short stories.

7 Questions, comments, concerns?  Please do not hesitate to call or email me at any time!!  Feel free to sign up for class reminders for parents and students through Remind101!  Juniors: text @msdrager11 to 81010  Sophomores: text @msdrager10 to 81010

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