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Sustainability. By far the most important question confronting us today is sustainability.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability. By far the most important question confronting us today is sustainability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability

2 By far the most important question confronting us today is sustainability

3 Sustainability By far the most important question confronting us today is sustainability and the Fundamental Sciences of Sustainability are the Molecular Sciences

4 Sustainability By far the most important question confronting us today is sustainability and the Fundamental Sciences of Sustainability are the Molecular Sciences Chemistry, Molecular Physics, Biological Chemistry - the Nanosciences

5 Sustainability By far the most important question confronting us today is sustainability and the Fundamental Sciences of Sustainability are the Molecular Sciences Chemistry, Molecular Physics, Biological Chemistry - the Nanosciences Look like the only shows in town

6 My first three high sustainability technologies

7 1. Splitting water into H and O

8 My first three high sustainability technologies 1. Splitting water into H and O 2. Efficient solar electricity production

9 My first three high sustainability technologies 1. Splitting water into H and O 2. Efficient solar electricity production 3. Genetic development of wheat that can fix its own nitrogen

10 The Sustainability Quotient PSQ NSQ +10…………0…………-10

11 We all shall have to confront some painful truths and respond wisely if we are to survive in a sustainable socioeconomic global way of life

12 NSQ Refrigerators -3 Aeroplanes -3 Central Heating -3 Cars -4 Computers(left on) -5 SUVs -6 Air Conditioning -7 Trucking (across USA) -10 Ford Explorer SUV (3.7 miles per gallon in NY)

13 NSQ = -10 Local Yogurt +3 Foreign Yogurt* -6 * Brought in by Truck, Train and Ferry from -????

14 I only make one exception….

15 Mozzarella di bufala on my caprese !


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