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Warm Up Solve each of the following inequalities. Then, graph the solution.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Solve each of the following inequalities. Then, graph the solution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Solve each of the following inequalities. Then, graph the solution.

2 Inequalities Reading Strategies

3 On your Green Notecard: Split into four sections. Copy what I have on the board.




7 Comprehension Check: One Variable Inequalities Word Problems: 1 – 5 on your own

8 Number 7 7. Joan needed $100 to buy a graphing calculator for her math class. Her neighbor will pay her $5 per hour to babysit and her Father gave her $10 for mowing the lawn. What is the minimum amount of hours she will need to babysit in order for her to buy her calculator?

9 Number 11 The dance committee hired a DJ for the fall dance. The DJ charges $125 per hour plus $55 for an assistant. The committee wants to keep the total cost under $600. What is the maximum amount of hours the DJ will play at the dance?

10 Comprehension Check: One Variable Inequalities Word Problems: Number 13 Shaggy is renting a carpet cleaning machine. The machine will cost $45 to rent plus $4.50 per hour. Shaggy is short on cash this month and has no more than $125 to clean his carpet. How long can Shaggy keep the carpet cleaner and not blow his budget?

11 Classwork: Inequalities Word Problems Closing: Use at lease 5 inequalities phrases in a sentence. You should have a minimum of 5 sentences. Ex: I have to run at least four miles after school today. Homework: Unit 2b Mid-Unit Quiz Review

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