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Classification The arrangement of organisms into orderly groups based on their similarities.

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Presentation on theme: "Classification The arrangement of organisms into orderly groups based on their similarities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification The arrangement of organisms into orderly groups based on their similarities.

2 How do biologist classify organisms? –Biologist classify living things to make it easier to find the answers to important questions. How many know species are there? What are the characteristics of each? What are the relationship between these species?

3 The seven levels of classification used: –Kingdom –Phylum –Class –Order –Family –Genus –Species –King Philip Came Over For Grape Soda.

4 Rules for writing scientific name: Two parts make up name. –Genus, species Genus always begins with capital letter. Species name always begins with a lower case letter. Both words are underlined or italicized. The species name is incomplete without the genus name or its abbreviation. Example: T. rex or Tyrannosaurus rex

5 Taxonomy The science of identifying and classifying, and naming living things. Based on the work of Carolus Linnaeus, who founded the science of taxonomy Dichotomous key: aid to identify unknown organisms that consists of several pairs of descriptive statement.

6 Branching Diagram Shows the evolutionary relationships between different species.

7 Old vs. New Classification system in the past used shared characteristics of organisms, while modern classification system uses evolutionary relationships.

8 Archaebacteria Prokaryotic Cell: organism that do not have a nucleus Organisms living in places most organisms could not survive. –Example: hot springs

9 Eubacteria Prokaryotic Cell Mostly free-living bacteria found in varied environments. Live in soil, water, inside human body. –Example: converts mile to yogurt –May cause ear and sinus infections –Pneumonia

10 Protista Eukaryotes: organisms that have nucleus and membrane bound organelles. Contains all eukaryotes that are not plants, animal, or fungi. Example: –protozoa (animal-like) –Algae (plant-like) –Slime molds, water molds (fungus-like)

11 Plantae Complex multicellular organism that are usually green and use the sun’s energy to make sugar by photosynthesis.

12 Fungi Fungi absorb nutrients from their surroundings after breaking them down with digestive juices –Example: Mold Mushrooms

13 Animalia Contains complex, multicellular organism that lack cell walls Most can move. Most have nervous system that help them be aware of and react to their surroundings.

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