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Universe Tenth Edition Chapter 14 Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the Kuiper Belt: Remote Worlds Roger Freedman Robert Geller William Kaufmann III Clicker Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Universe Tenth Edition Chapter 14 Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the Kuiper Belt: Remote Worlds Roger Freedman Robert Geller William Kaufmann III Clicker Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Universe Tenth Edition Chapter 14 Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the Kuiper Belt: Remote Worlds Roger Freedman Robert Geller William Kaufmann III Clicker Questions

2 The rotation of Uranus is unusual in that A.its axis is tilted at 180 degrees so that its rotation, like that of Venus, is retrograde. B.its axis is tilted at just over 90 degrees so that it rotates on its side. rotates far more rapidly than the other Jovian planet. rotates far more slowly than the other Jovian planet. exhibits differential rotation. Q14.1

3 The rotation of Uranus is unusual in that A.its axis is tilted at 180 degrees so that its rotation, like that of Venus, is retrograde. B.its axis is tilted at just over 90 degrees so that it rotates on its side. rotates far more rapidly than the other Jovian planet. rotates far more slowly than the other Jovian planet. exhibits differential rotation. A14.1

4 Neptune has prominent clouds and storms in its atmosphere, but Uranus does not. Why? A.Uranus rotates too slowly. B.Uranus rotates too rapidly. C.Uranus has a large amount of heat rising from its interior, which leads to a featureless atmosphere. D.Uranus does not have a significant internal heat source that could produce convection E.Uranus is too far from the Sun. Q14.2

5 Neptune has prominent clouds and storms in its atmosphere, but Uranus does not. Why? A.Uranus rotates too slowly. B.Uranus rotates too rapidly. C.Uranus has a large amount of heat rising from its interior, which leads to a featureless atmosphere. D.Uranus does not have a significant internal heat source that could produce convection E.Uranus is too far from the sun. A14.2

6 These streaks in Neptune ’ s atmosphere are high-altitude clouds composed of A.crystals of methane ice. B.crystals of ammonia ice. C.helium. D.hydrogen. E.crystals of water ice. Q14.3

7 These streaks in Neptune ’ s atmosphere are high-altitude clouds composed of A.crystals of methane ice. B.crystals of ammonia ice. C.helium. D.hydrogen. E.crystals of water ice. A14.3

8 The orbits of the moons of Uranus are located a plane nearly perpendicular to the plane of the planet ’ s orbit around the Sun. the same plane as the planet ’ s orbit around the Sun. several different planes. a plane nearly perpendicular to the rings of Uranus. very great distances from the planet, nearly halfway to the orbit of Neptune. Q14.4

9 The orbits of the moons of Uranus are located a plane nearly perpendicular to the plane of the planet ’ s orbit around the Sun. the same plane as the planet ’ s orbit around the Sun. several different planes. a plane nearly perpendicular to the rings of Uranus. very great distances from the planet, nearly halfway to the orbit of Neptune. A14.4

10 Neptune was A.predicted to exist through its gravitational effect on Uranus. B.predicted to exist through its gravitational effect on Saturn. C.found by accident during a search for comets. D.discovered in ancient times because it is a naked-eye object. E.was discovered using a radio telescope. Q14.5

11 Neptune was A.predicted to exist through its gravitational effect on Uranus. B.predicted to exist through its gravitational effect on Saturn. C.found by accident during a search for comets. D.discovered in ancient times because it is a naked-eye object. E.was discovered using a radio telescope. A14.5

12 We know that Neptune contains a larger amount of heavier elements than Saturn. We know this because Neptune smaller than Saturn. larger than Saturn. C.has a higher density than Saturn. D.has a lower density than Saturn. farther from the Sun than Saturn. Q14.6

13 We know that Neptune contains a larger amount of heavier elements than Saturn. We know this because Neptune smaller than Saturn. larger than Saturn. C.has a higher density than Saturn. D.has a lower density than Saturn. farther from the Sun than Saturn. A14.6

14 Uranus and Neptune have no ammonia in their atmospheres because A.there was no ammonia in the outer solar system where these planets formed. B.ultraviolet radiation dissociated the ammonia molecules. C.the gravity of these planets was too weak to pull in any ammonia when they formed. D.the ammonia froze, and the ammonia ice particles sank toward the interiors of these planets. E.the ammonia combines with other elements to form acids. Q14.7

15 Uranus and Neptune have no ammonia in their atmospheres because A.there was no ammonia in the outer solar system where these planets formed. B.ultraviolet radiation dissociated the ammonia molecules. C.the gravity of these planets was too weak to pull in any ammonia when they formed. D.the ammonia froze, and the ammonia ice particles sank toward the interiors of these planets. E.the ammonia combines with other elements to form acids. A14.7

16 What evidence suggested that Pluto was an object in our solar system (and not a distant faint star) when it was first discovered? A.Telescopes showed it had a disc. B.Telescopes showed it had a moon. C.Its gravitational influence on Neptune showed that it was nearby. D.It moved against the background of stars indicating that it was probably nearby. E.It did not twinkle. Q14.8

17 What evidence suggested that Pluto was an object in our solar system (and not a distant faint star) when it was first discovered? A.Telescopes showed it had a disc. B.Telescopes showed it had a moon. C.Its gravitational influence on Neptune showed that it was nearby. D.It moved against the background of stars indicating that it was probably nearby. E.It did not twinkle. A14.8

18 Which of the following is the best description of Pluto and other trans-Neptunian objects? A.Rocky objects like the asteroids B.Objects made almost completely of frozen water and other ices C.Objects that are a mixture of ices, hydrogen, and helium D.Objects that are a mixture of ices and rock E.Objects made almost completely of hydrogen and helium Q14.9

19 Which of the following is the best description of Pluto and other trans-Neptunian objects? A.Rocky objects like the asteroids B.Objects made almost completely of frozen water and other ices C.Objects that are a mixture of ices, hydrogen, and helium D.Objects that are a mixture of ices and rock E.Objects made almost completely of hydrogen and helium A14.9

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