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 Predict changes:  Predict continuity:

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11  Predict changes:  Predict continuity:

12  An important economic continuity in Africa from 600 to 1750 was slave trading and the value of African resources. However, and more significantly, from 600 to 1750, Sub- Saharan political organization changed from small, egalitarian and decentralized kinship groups to larger, powerful kingdoms as a result of the integration and exploitation of foreign slave traders. Another significant change was the development of more powerful coastal kingdoms in West Africa.

13 I. Thesis II. Cities Without Citadels III. Internal Exploitation IV. Foreign Exploitation V. Kingdoms from Kingdoms VI. Legacies

14  Ghana  Mali  Songhay


16  Mostly isolated until 11 th century CE  Djenne-Djenno- Niger River  Super-diverse ethnically, linguistically  Labor: Cooperative  Politics/society: Egalitarian, decentralized

17  Need for labor creates hierarchy  1200 CE- Great Zimbabwe  Trans-Saharan and Indian Ocean Trade  GOLD!!!!!!!

18  Where were the most powerful kingdoms located in Africa from 600 to 1500?  What were the economic and political structures of Sub- Saharan Africa like prior to 1000 CE?  Predict: How and why might Sub-Saharan African political structures begin to change after 1000 CE?


20  Labor: Coerced manual  Politics: Hierarchical


22  700-1750  Overland early  Shift to maritime

23  First Arab merchants  Eventually Portuguese and other Europeans

24  Mid 15 th century = Portuguese arrive  El Mina = gold mine  Labor for gold mining and colonies  Political control = Portuguese allies  Spread of Christianity


26  What impact did European demand for labor have on Africa economically and politically?

27  Post-1500 -- major change  European demand for laborers = more slave raids/trading  More centralized, powerful kingdoms emerge in Western Coastal Africa  Kongo and Ndongo  Portuguese/Europeans break alliances frequently, pit kingdoms and tribes against each other

28  African kings gain power through European trade = guns, weapons  King Afonso I  Tries to build Euro style government through force/taxation, adopts Catholicism  European-style monarchies fail in Africa = unsustainable, don’t develop, region too diverse, too torn by conflict


30  Create a timeline for Africa from 600 to 1750  CCOT: Analyze the extent to which Africa changed economically and politically from 600 to 1750.

31  One political change was the rise of centralized coastal kingdoms in Sub-Saharan Africa as maritime slave trading increased in the 16 th century.  An important continuity in Africa from 600 to 1750 was slave trading and the value of African resources.

32  Economy built on labor mobilization and cost, not on resources  Government successful or unsuccessful based on how well they mobilize labor  Practice of “divide and conquer” in Africa  Begins moral struggle: what is “fair labor”? What are we willing to do to get cheap goods?  Legacy of Kleptocracy and coerced labor in Africa = persists to this day

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