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Atmospheric Data Measuring Rocket Software Design & Description Matt Buonadonna ADaM Code Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Atmospheric Data Measuring Rocket Software Design & Description Matt Buonadonna ADaM Code Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atmospheric Data Measuring Rocket Software Design & Description Matt Buonadonna ADaM Code Presentation

2 Microcontrollers Freescale 9S12DP256 for the HTP Freescale 9S12DP256 for the HTP 16MHz bus frequency 16MHz bus frequency 265k bytes flash 265k bytes flash 12k bytes ram 12k bytes ram 4k bytes EEPROM 4k bytes EEPROM

3 Microcontrollers Freescale 9S12C32 for the ADaM E Freescale 9S12C32 for the ADaM E 8MHz bus frequency 8MHz bus frequency 32k bytes flash 32k bytes flash 2k bytes RAM 2k bytes RAM

4 Kernel Freescale 9S12DP256 for the HTP Freescale 9S12DP256 for the HTP MicroC/OS-II real time kernel MicroC/OS-II real time kernel Chosen based on familiarity and processing flexibility Chosen based on familiarity and processing flexibility Task control & communication done through semaphores, and mutex Task control & communication done through semaphores, and mutex

5 Kernel Freescale 9S12C32 for the ADaM E Freescale 9S12C32 for the ADaM E MicroC/OS-II real time kernel MicroC/OS-II real time kernel Chosen based on familiarity and processing flexibility Chosen based on familiarity and processing flexibility Task control & communication done through semaphores, and mutex Task control & communication done through semaphores, and mutex

6 HTP Task and ISR list TaskDescriptionPeriodPriority StartInitializes all HTP tasks and necessary data portsOnce4 KeyTaskReads the keypad and updates KeyBufferPeriodic5 MenuOpsControls all HTP operations, Button UI and LCDPeriodic6 XmitControls the XC09 RF digital modem through the SCI Continuous7 MsgMemStores received messages into the EEPROMSporadic8

7 ADaM E Task and ISR list TaskDescriptionPeriodPriority StartInitializes all HTP tasks and necessary data ports Once4 SysCtrlControls all HTP operations, Button UI and LCD Periodic5 GPSControls the Lassen IQ GPS through the SCI Periodic6 XmitControls the XC09 RF digital modem through the SCI Continuous7 SensorControls the XC09 RF digital modem through the SCI Periodic8 SysTestRuns a system wide check of all the sensors, the transmitter and GPS unit. Sporadic9

8 Task Description Start Task (HTP)  Priority 4  Runs once  Initializes System  Creates all other HTP tasks  Execution time ~ 1s

9 Task Description Key Task (HTP)  Priority 5  Periodic @ 10ms  Reads the keypad and updates KeyBuffer  Execution time ~ 2.2us

10 Task Description MenuOps (HTP)  Priority 6  Periodic @ 10ms  Displays menu options on the LCD  Controls keypad entries  Calls other HTP tasks  Execution time 1ms

11 Task Description Xmit (Both HTP & ADaM E)  Priority 7  Periodic @ 10ms  Uses the SCI to communicate with the XC09  Controls messages sent to and received from the ADaM E  Execution time ~50us

12 Task Description MsgMem (HTP)  Priority 8  Sporadic @ 10ms  Uses EEPROM to store received messages from the ADaM E  Execution time ~100us

13 Task Description Start Task (ADaM E)  Priority 4  Runs once  Initializes System  Creates all other ADaM E tasks  Execution time ~1s

14 Task Description System Control (ADaM E)  Priority 5  Periodic @ 10ms  Controls the ADaM E and its peripherals  Execution time 1ms

15 Task Description GPS (ADaM E)  Priority 6  Periodic @ 1s  Controls the Lassen IQ GPS through the SCI  Execution time 50us

16 Task Description Sensor (ADaM E)  Priority 8  Sporadic @ 1s  Controls the ADaM E sensors  Execution time 10ms

17 Task Description SysTest (ADaM E)  Priority 9  Sporadic @ 1s  Polls the sensor, GPS, and Xmit tasks  Warms up the GPS  Execution time 60ms

18 Overall CPU load HTP  L max = 1ms/10ms + 100us/10ms + 50us/10ms + 2.2us/10ms =.115 ADaM E  L max = 50us/1s + 1ms/10 + 10ms/1s + 60ms/1s + 50us/10ms =.175 CPU loads are well in tolerance HTP  L max = 1ms/10ms + 100us/10ms + 50us/10ms + 2.2us/10ms =.115 ADaM E  L max = 50us/1s + 1ms/10 + 10ms/1s + 60ms/1s + 50us/10ms =.175 CPU loads are well in tolerance

19 HTP Modules ModuleTaskPublic Functions & Data HTPctrl.c Start Task Menu Ops Task Message Store Task LcdDisplay() KeyPend() ConfigECLKDIV() EESectModify() EESectErase() EEWordWrite() Xmit.c Transmit TaskReadSCIInit() ReadSCIPend() UcosKey.c Key TaskKeyInit()

20 ADaM E Modules ModuleTaskPublic Functions & Data ADaMEctrl.c Start Task System Control Task Sensors Task System Test Task InitSPI() WriteSPI() ReadSPI() InitAD() ReadAD0() ReadAD1() Xmit.c Transmit TaskReadSCIInit() ReadSCIPend() GPS.c GPS TaskReadSCIInit() ReadSCIPend()

21 Keypad Module KeyTask() Key Code Table  KeyFlag Key Keypad I/OKeypad Driver ModuleApplication KeyInit() KeyPend()

22 HTP Data Flow Menu Ops Msg Memory Xmit task HTPctrl.cUcosKey.cXmit.c  TX SCI  RX SCI KeyPend() LCD Display  Msg Save  Msg Retrv  Msg Delete Data Xmit Data Rcv

23 ADaM E Data Flow SystemCtrl Sensor Xmit task HTPctrl.cXmit.c  TX SCI  RX SCI GPS.c GPS Task  RX SCI  TX SCI Poll TempPoll Press  Sensor  Test Test Task Data Xmit Data Rcv

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