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PE: Hydration, enthalpy and entropy. Intermediate structures Between Phases.

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Presentation on theme: "PE: Hydration, enthalpy and entropy. Intermediate structures Between Phases."— Presentation transcript:

1 PE: Hydration, enthalpy and entropy

2 Intermediate structures Between Phases

3 31 P Solid State NMR of lipid assemblies Breath, anisotropy and isotropic chemical shifts

4 Solution Vs Solid State NMR Fast isotropic tumblingSlow to no molecular reorientation Isotropic chemical shifts narrow lines J couplings Chemical shift powder patterns broad lines dipolar broadening quadrupolar broadening 2 H NMR - quadrupole nuclei 31 P NMR- S=1/2 nuclei

5 Magnetic Anisotropic Interactions Chemical shielding/chemical shift

6 Chemical Shift Dependence Upon Orientation Integrate over all space for a “powder” MLVs and GUVs act as powders. They are large enough to tumble slowly enough NOT to average the CSA and 2H quad interaction

7 Chemical Shift Dependence for Crystals

8 Dry powder Restricted motions mixtures of different lipids mixtures of different phases exchange rates


10 Exchange Between Two Sites: Effects on NMR Lineshapes Two states: A and B

11 Hydration effects (entropic) on L  to H II phase for DOPE

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