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PERSUASIVE PAPER PLANNER AND ESSAY FORMAT. THE IMPORTANCE OF PERSUASION AND ARGUMENT “argument literacy” is fundamental to being educated and its importance.

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Presentation on theme: "PERSUASIVE PAPER PLANNER AND ESSAY FORMAT. THE IMPORTANCE OF PERSUASION AND ARGUMENT “argument literacy” is fundamental to being educated and its importance."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE IMPORTANCE OF PERSUASION AND ARGUMENT “argument literacy” is fundamental to being educated and its importance far exceeds the classroom.

3 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Gather relevant information, cite sources, direct quote and paraphrase 2. Be able to give background information and needed definitions 3. Be able to create a precise claim and support with relevant evidence 4. To be able to explain strengths and weaknesses in arguments and connect evidence to the claim/thesis 5. To be able to discuss and refute counterarguments 6. To be able to utilize formal academic voice and vocabulary with proper grammatical skills 7. To be able to format a persuasive paper logically and correctly 8. To effectively revise, edit, rework a paper to improve writing skills 9. To utilize technology effectively and efficiently to enhance final product

4 SOURCES You need to put at least 3 sources in your works cited page with all information completed. 1 book if applicable 1 website NO WIKIPEDIA You may use

5 STARTING YOUR PAPER...... 1.Log in to and create a new project for Persuasive Paper or name of topic 2.Need to fill in a topic (what you are researching), a research question, and once you choose which side you are arguing...fill in the thesis statement EX: Ohio schools must implement school uniforms in order to increase achievement, decrease bullying, and create a safer environment.

6 NOTECARDS...... You need notecards on the following topics: Background Cards : Define your topic, discuss how and why your topic is controversial. (NO OPINION IN THIS PART) at least 3 cards. Support Cards or Pro Cards: You need at least 3 cards that give researched information to support the side you are arguing. Evaluate weaknesses in the information. Counterarguments or Con Cards : You need at least 3 cards with information that the other side would argue.....and why they are wrong. Evaluate weaknesses in the information.

7 INTRODUCTION 1. opening statement 2. background information-define your topic....when did it become a topic of debate and why? 3. reasons (weakest to strongest) 4. Concluding sentence=thesis: School Uniforms must be in public schools because (list reasons). Must be in paragraph form....check for banned words.

8 BODY PARAGRAPHS Reason #1,2,3: School uniforms are beneficial because…. Must use at least two of the three support reasons from your planner. Explain each support after stating it and evaluate any weaknesses. Concluding sentence: how your reasons supports that school uniforms will benefit students. (how evidence supports what you are arguing in thesis statement)

9 LOGICAL/EMOTIONAL Label on your planner what your logical and what your emotional appeal will be. You will have to underline and label these in your paper. Your appeals must be in the three body paragraphs (not counterargument paragraph) Honors: label: appeals, question, and repetition, and parallelism etc.

10 COUNTERARGUMENTS Topic sentence: Although many would argue against school uniforms, the reasons for school uniforms far outweigh the reasons against. Write down each counterargument and tell why the argument is ineffective. Concluding sentence: reiterate why your argument is stronger

11 CONCLUSION Reword thesis statement Restate your arguments End with a way to solve the problem…what should people think about and what can people do to help.

12 BANNED WORDS Got/gotten Get/getting We,us,our I,You/your, Me, my Thing/things Anything Nothing everything Can’t (or any contractions) (type in apostrophe in find box) USE YOUR SYLLABUS FOR ENTIRE LIST OF BANNED WORDS!!!

13 MORE BANNED WORDS So In conclusion In this essay Should First, second, third All in all On the other hand A lot Stuff Big/huge (when discussing importance) USE YOUR SYLLABUS!!!!

14 PERSUASIVE LANGUAGE Language to identify supporters of an issue Supporters Proponents Those in favor of... Advocats for this issue... Defenders

15 PERSUASIVE LANGUAGE Language used to identify those against an argument: Opponents Those against the issue Critics of Defenders of

16 PERSUASIVE LANGUAGE: OPPOSING ARGUMENTS Argue assert Attend Maintain Claim State Believe Allege Insist Point ou t

17 SHIFTING FROM OPPOSING TO SUPPORTING However, On the contrary, In contrast, Although, In truth, In reality, Yet the fact of the matter is

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